
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cutting to the chase: Underage pregnancy

When you're supporting secret abortions for underage girls, guys like this -- in real life -- are the winners.

Teenagers who undergo secret abortions are more likely than teens with involved parents to choose cheap, fly-by-night abortion mills that don't follow proper safety measures.

Teenagers who undergo secret abortions are more likely than teens with involved parents to keep complications a secret rather than seek treatment. This increases the risk that an easily-treatable complication will become more serious, increasing the risk of hysterectomy, colostomy, and even death.

Sarah's Law has a provision in it that permits parents to sign, in advance, permission for their own daughters to go ahead and obtain these risky, secret abortions. These parents can exempt their daughters, and the men who get their daughters pregnant, from the law being implemented in their cases. But Sarah's Law also would keep these parents from making that choice for other parents.

If it's about "choice", there's no excuse for anybody -- except sexual predators and people who profit from sexual abuse of underage girls -- to oppose Sarah's Law.

HT: Kyrie Eleison

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