
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Searches: Tiller and more

  • Robyn Furse: One of the people who signed a Planned Parenthood petition, based on a hoax of lies and distortions. Whether Ms. Furse is part of the deliberate deception or just made the mistake of trusting Planned Parenthood I can not know. Ms. Furse added an additional comment: "Stop this false advertising that intimidates and decieve women when they are in a vulnerable state. It's like psychological rape." How about the actual rapes by Lawson Akpolunu in his abortion practice? The rapes Diane Sawyer considered "a non-story"? Or how about the deception Planned Parenthood pulled on the people who signed the petition?

  • Milan Chepko: Seedy abortionist and kiddie-porn swapper. He's the "Diaper Dump" guy. And disgustingly, Jaroslav "Jerry" Hulka, considered a very respectable fellow among researchers at the CDC and, at one point, at least one researcher in the Surgeon General's office, published a paper with Chepko. Jerry, Jerry, Jerry! Could you pick professional associates who don't crap in their pants and smear themselves with it while watching child pornography?

  • Dr. Robert Meger: I have three malpractice cases against him in my files, including one for punching a hole in a patient's uterus and gouging out a section of her colon.

  • Dr. Tiller's legacy: Traumatized women, a brain-damaged and blind child, a dead developmentally disabled rape victim, and, of course, quite a number of dead babies. Gosh, how can you top a legacy like that?

  • chiropractor kills patient: I've got Frank Parchen, who killed Martha Anderson in 1939.
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