
Saturday, March 28, 2009

What's better than an abortion? 40 days of love... and counting...

HT: The Anchoress

The Story of Faith Hope

A diagnosis of anencephaly has not stopped this young single mom from embracing every day, every moment, of her child's life. A life that an abortion would have stolen from the child, the mother, and the entire family.


  1. What a beautiful story, thank you so much for linking! Prayers and love for the family.

  2. Faith Hope is such a beautiful little girl. I didn't know that babies with anencephaly could even survive this long after birth. I wish her the best and will be praying for her and her Mom. Kudos to Mom for choosing life!

  3. Here is a blog post I did on a baby with anencephaly who lived 18 months! Fwiw, I have yet to meet the family that regrets their decision to let their anencephalic child live, although I have read of regrets for having had an abortion or induced pre-term labor.

  4. 39 days - AND COUNTING! The baby is still alive and the mother seems to be enjoying every day spent with her daughter.
