
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Self-centered whining

Self magazine recently published a whiny piece about what horrible places CPCs are. LifeNews covered it here. Here was my response to them:

Let's go ahead and say that prolife CPCs are as bad as you say they are. The worst case scenario is that the woman is frustrated and has to make another appointment to get an abortion. How can that even come close to the risks women face walking into abortion facilities, where they can end up comatose, facing a hysterectomy, needing a colostomy, or dead? Where are your priorities?

If you were really concerned about the well being of women, you'd be doing a story on how the National Abortion Federation "safe abortion" hotline promises SAFE abortions, but only requires that members pay dues to get referrals, not that they follow any safety protocols. Ask the mothers of Deanna Bell, Barbaralee Davis, Patricia Chacon, Mary Pena, and other women and girls dead after abortions at NAF member clinics. Investigate the people KILLING women, not the ones ANNOYING them.

Speaking of self-centered whining, there's this whiny turkey who keeps trashed, vacant rental units as shrines to his own real or imagined victimization.

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