
Monday, March 28, 2005

Given the preponderance of evidence....

... what do you think of Michael Schiavo? Choose as many as apply.

A. He's a cold-blooded murderer.
B. He's the world's biggest prick.
c. He's the son-in-law from Hell.
D. He does lack some nuances of sensitivity.
E. You can tell when he's lying by seeing if his lips are moving.
F. He's possessed by Satan.
G. He's in thrall to Satan.
H. He's just an ordinary Joe who managed to make a whole boxcarload of really bad choices, and now can't find a graceful way out.
I. He's the most devoted husband ever to have lived.
J. He's just an ordinary sinner, no better or worse than anybody else.
K. He's President of the O.J. Simpson Fan Club , Treasurer of the Robert Blake Defense Fund, and Founding Cheif Executive Officer of the Committee to Free Scott Peterson.
L. Other.

I'd have to say that the preponderance of evidence would support A, B, C, E, G, and K. But I'm obliged as a Christian to override my common sense and put him in category J. As much as that galls.

(Just venting -- I'm just so outraged that he's planning to have Terri's body in the oven before it's cold, and ship the ashes to his family plot in Pennsylvania, to be interred next to his affectionate Uncle Screwtape. It's bad enough he makes them watch her die a lingering death; it's just twisting the blade to deny her a Catholic funeral and a burial with her own kin.)

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