
Monday, May 30, 2005

Blog roundup

This title takes the cake: Michigan Bill Would Force Offer of Ultrasounds to Abortion Patients. You can't post at the blog in question, you can just go to the headlined article, which laments
House Bill 4446, which passed by a vote of 69 to 37, would force medical clinics to offer women considering abortion an opportunity to view an ultrasound image of the fetus. .... Shelli Weisberg of the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan said the measure inserts lawmakers into a medical decision that "should be between a woman and her doctor."

As if there's any relationship between a woman and her abortionist! Puh-LEASE! One might as well whine that requiring taxi drivers to tell people the fare rates before a ride interferes in a professional relationship.


LefemineForLife calls the Bush administration on the carpet for increasing Title X funding, which tends to go straight to the coffers of the likes of Planned Parenthood.


Papa Familias notes that Amnesty International is still tracking forced sterilization and forced abortion in China. Where's the prochoice outrage over this?


Hidden is hurting over a lot of painful things going on in her life, including trying to come to terms with an abortion three years earlier. Let's give her some cyberhugs and support.


For those who claim that nobody laments a low abortion rate, check out this blog, quoting an article whining about how a lack of abortionists "might explain why the abortion rate among women in small towns and rural areas is half that of women in metropolitan areas. " A low abortion rate! Perish the thought! The snippet goes on to complain:
State restrictions almost certainly have caused some women, perhaps thousands a year, to forgo abortions. Research suggests that Wisconsin’s two-day waiting period might have contributed to a 21-percent decline in abortions there. Shawn Towey, spokeswoman for the National Network of Abortion Funds, a group comprising 102 organizations that provides money and support for low-income women seeking abortions, estimates that 60,000 women a year find the restrictions so onerous that they carry their babies to term. The Guttmacher Institute stated in a 2001 report that between 18 percent and 35 percent of Medicaid-eligible women who want to have abortions continue their pregnancies if public funding isn’t available.

Wait a minute! I thought that when women couldn't just drive to the corner clinic to get vacuumed out, they impaled themselves with coathangers! If the abortion-lobby myth were true, these women would all be in the ground, and their scarred and mangled uteruses would be preserved in formaldehyde at the coroner's office. Instead, they're alive and mothering their kids. Who but a rabid abortion enthusiast could complain about that?


This blogger is still complaining about the religious services performed for aborted fetuses in Colorado. Tell me, why all the outrage when the fetuses are given a decent burial, but none when they're run down the garbage disposal or put through a meat grinder, tossed in a dumpster, or otherwise disturbingly disposed of by abortionists?

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