
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Yet another safe-n-legal anniversary

Angel Dardie, age 22, left two children motherless when she died on August 3, 1982, of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy after a saline abortion performed by Youl Choie at Plymouth General Hospital.

Angel's mother sued, saying that the abortion was performed negligently. Although she sued for $5 million, she was awarded a settlement of $6000 from Choi and $2500 from the hospital. $1744 of this went to the attorney, plus an additional $667 given to him from the settlement for his expenses. $1528 of the settlement was ordered to be used to reimburse for funeral expenses. This left Angel's mother and orphans with $4561. No settlement was awarded for pain and suffering, nor was there any settlement for Angel's surviving children.

Angel is far from the first or last woman in the United States to die from a saline abortion. Quite a few died in New York and California even before Roe vs. Wade. They continued to die after Roe.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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