
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good news from Missouri

Operation Rescue reports on the closure of an abortion mill:
The only abortion mill in Springfield, Missouri, the Springfield Healthcare Center, closed unexpectedly Thursday after the board voted unanimously the day before to shut it down.

Clinic Administrator Michele Collins told the Associated Press that the decision had nothing to do with a pending lawsuit challenging a new Missouri law or finances.....

The mill was expected to close anyway because the abortionist, who lives in St. Louis, had no hospital privileges within 30 miles of Springfield, as a new state law mandates. The closest hospital that was available to him was 2 ½ hours away, creating a dangerous situation in the event of abortion complications. The clinic had sued the state to challenge the law. A federal judge had issued an in junction barring the law from going into effect, but now the suit is expected to be dropped.

The AP article indicated that the facility reported about 1,000 abortions a year. The article also states, "The nearest Missouri abortion clinic is 160 miles away in Columbia. St. Louis has a clinic more than 200 miles away, as well as an abortion provider across the state line in Illinois. The Kansas City area is served by a clinic in Overland Park, Kan."

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