
Monday, December 26, 2005

More information needed

A search of Westlaw (I've gotten a trial version to see if it helps me with my research) found a case in which the husband of Iris Velazquez, who died of an abortion on September 5, 1987, after an abortion in Philadelphia. I've searched and I put all the information I have on my page. If anybody has more information about what happened to take this young mother's life, please let me know.

I've also added Arretta Hardesty, a 31-year-old mother of three who died sometime in I'm guessing the 1920s. Westlaw tells me that her husband's verdict of $5,000 was upheld, and tells the name of her abortionist, but does not give me the date of her death or even the year. If anybody has information on how and when this young woman left her children motherless, let me know.

Joy Joy was an unmarried mother of one when she died of an illegal abortion May 26, 1950. That's all I could learn about her.

Another woman died February 26, 1924, but the Westlaw summary doesn't give her name. I've dubbed her "Patsy" Roe.

Ilene Eagen died in 1947 after her boyfriend brought her for an abortion at a dentist's office.

Iva Triplett left her children motherless when she died of a botched abortion in 1921.

Kerneda Bennett died of a botched abortion some time in the 1940s. I have no information on her age or the date of her death.

I also have very little information on the death of Gene Raligh, who died of an illegal abortion on a date I could not determine.

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