
Friday, February 10, 2006

Somebody wanted to know about Centinela Hospital

All I have on my site is that Kathy Denise Murphy was transferred there for a time while dying of abortion complications in 1973.

I also had information on file about a lawsuit.

Andrea B., age 17, alleged that she came under abortionist Christopher Dotson's care in December of 1979, for abdominal problems. On January 7, 1980, Dotson instructed Andrea to enter Centinela Hospital for treatment of "Dermoid Cyst vs. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease." Dotson "did not see or examine Andrea ..., until two days later on January 9," when she was taken into surgery for D&C and exploratory laparotomy. Andrea faulted Dotson with failure to take a medical history, and failure to await the results of a pregnancy test. During the procedure, Dotson discovered that Andrea was pregnant. Dotson took it upon himself to note "unwanted pregnancy" on Andrea's chart, though "such a subjective description of plaintiff's condition was not reflective of [her] position but rather that of defendant Dotson." Dotson did not reveal the pregnancy to Andrea or secure her consent to abort the fetus. Dotson "committed a battery upon said plaintiff thereby causing injury and destruction to plaintiff's unborn child, thereby proximated causing to plaintiff severe emotional distress, physical pain and suffering, and mental anguish." "At all times prior to the death of plaintiff's unborn child, said unborn child was viable but for defendant's professional negligence would have been born healthy and capable of providing the plaintiff with society, comfort, attention, and support." (LA County Superior Court Case No. C404454)

Having such a character as Christopher Dotson practicing on their staff doesn't speak well for Centinela. And Andrea's experience underscores the fact that you can not trust an abortionist with the life of an unborn child, even if that child is wanted.

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