
Monday, March 06, 2006

Abortionist Robert Alexander is back!

HT: ypsi~dixit

Medical practice that includes abortions met with protests in downtown Ypsilanti

Dr. Robert L. Alexander's plans to open an abortion facility aren't going well. The opening is delayed due to building code violations, and prolifers are protesting already outside the building. Some followed Alexander from his previous abortion facility in Ann Arbor.
Alexander said he is "doing what I believe in, what I think the ladies need.'' He said he remembers when back-alley abortions or women with coat hangers and knitting needles caused infections, hemorrhaging, emergency hysterectomies and death. "It was horrifying,'' he said.

Alexander was first licensed in Michigan in 1982, but had his license revoked after he was convicted in 1988 of illegally dispensing prescription drugs.
He was sentenced to prison and fined $25,000 on the criminal conviction. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services fined him $50,000 when it revoked his medical license. His license was reinstated later, and the fine reduced to $25,000.

Alexander blames the convictions on a diet drug clinic where he moonlighted as a resident. He said he quit when he was pressured to write too many prescriptions without sufficient review of patient records, but the clinic continued to use his DEA number and write prescriptions in his name for another four years.

Read: December 8, 1992, Docket No. C-255, and July 19, 1993, Docket No. C-255.

A suit filed by Elizabeth A. alleged that she underwent an abortion by Alexander on February 4, 1988 at Summit Medical Center in Wayne County, Michigan. Alexander had estimated the gestational age as 15-17 weeks when Elizabeth was in fact 7-8 weeks pregnant. As a result, the instruments used were too large. Alexander perforated Elizabeth's uterus, and her bowel was sucked into her uterus. (Wayne County Circuit Court Case No. 89-914950-NH)

Though Alexander was supposedly first licensed in Michigan in 1982, his record with the medical board shows a revocation in 18=981, then an appeal later that year. Evidently he got his license back.

His license was revoked in 1989, reinstated in 1991 by the court.
His license was revoked in 1993, but reinstated by the court in 1993. The board fought this and managed to re-yank his license in 1995.
He was put on medical probation in 1996, and his license was restricted.
He tried to get the restriction removed in 1997, to no avail.
The sanction was removed in 1998. Then he was fined in 1999, which is the last disciplinary action the board shows.

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  1. what you wrote about dr. alexander is not true. he is amazing doctor and i would recomend him to anyone. i am giving you 30 days to remove this posting before legal actions are taken!

    sincerely yours,

  2. I cite all my sources. So go ahead and sue. I could use the publicity.

  3. he has done 2 abortions on me and everything went well.... his staff was great and the doctor was very caring. He has done over 75,000 abortions with no problems. You must be a lesbian who doesn't give a damn about women's rights. you sound extremely jealous of the abortion industry. Every women has a right to choose.

  4. JEALOUS? Why would I be jealous of people who spend their days ripping babies to shreds and processing women like meat at a packing plant?

  5. I think you're sadly mistaken. It's too bad that your mind is so one-tracked.

  6. He spends monotonous days killing one baby after the other, as if their mothers are just containers for him to empty. There's nothing to either admire or envy in that.

  7. Dr Alexander was a physician of mine @ the Wege Center in Grand Rapids, MI when at the time I thought he was a very caring and personable doc. Until he performed a D & C on me @ his Muskegon office. I was drugged for the procedure but woke up being shoved into my friend's vehicle by his office staff. When I arrived home I had blood all over me(legs/thighs/abdomen) and in the shape of large fingers and was having excruciating pain and large amounts of bleeding about 12hrs later I developed a fever and chills called Dr Alexander and he wrote me a script for Vicodin and long story short I called my new ob/gyn and ended up in the hospital having a repeat D & C with an exploratory lap along with IV antibiotics for my uterine infection. While a physician may seem great at the bedside and give you what you want(prescription wise) doesn't mean they truly have the mental stability or skills to safely care for their patients.

  8. I'm glad you recovered, pc.

  9. Came across this information site after an article on mlive about his abortion clinic getting shut down for unsanitary conditions. You should really read t he article and view the pictures.


  10. Abortion “Doctor” Leaves Decapitated Unborn Baby Inside Mother
