
Friday, March 24, 2006

Justice for Christin? Tiller held accountable?

Operation Rescue - Blog Archive - Tiller Grand Jury Petitions To Be Submitted April 7

Wichita, KS -- Signatures demanding the convening of a Grand Jury to investigate George R. Tiller in the third-trimester abortion death of Christin Gilbert will be presented to Sedgwick County, KS after a Petition Presentation Ceremony that will be held at noon at the Sedgwick County Administration Building on Friday, April 7.


The State of Kansas allows citizens to convene a Grand Jury to investigate wrong-doing through a petition process. By law, the county will have 60 days after the required signatures are submitted to convene the Grand Jury.

.... The group maintains that Tiller's large campaign contributions to pro-abortion politicians, including Democratic Governor Kathleen Sebelius, has bought Tiller cover with the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, a Board whose Executive Director, Larry Buening, is a Sebelius appointee. The KSBHA refused to discipline Tiller for Christin Gilbert's death in spite of an autopsy report that indicates Tiller was at fault and 911 documents that indicate his employee, Marguerite Reed, tried to cover up the true nature of Christin's fatal condition.

.... More information about Christin Gilbert's tragic death and the Grand Jury effort, including photos and public documents obtained by Operation Rescue investigators

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