
Friday, March 17, 2006

Let's get some buzz going about Siobhan's "unbiased" article

Here's what I'm sending out to radio talk hosts to see how much interest I can generate in a behind-the-scenes look at "objective" and "unbiased" reporting:
Siobhan O'Connor, a reporter for Marie Claire magazine, went casting about for "neutral" sources about how nasty and deceitful pro-life pregnancy centers are. She managed to track down a hapless "victim" of the nasty right-to-lifers.

You can get an excellent behind-the-scenes look at her "unbiased" reporting from these blog entries, that have been following her since she put out her first casting call:

I've suggested to this woman that her outrage might be more constructively aimed at abortionists that kill women rather than CPCs that annoy them, but evidently that's not considered outrageous behavior. Why is it that to these "neutral" defenders of women's well-being, its much worse to be annoyed by a prolifer than killed by a prochoicer? Go figure.

I'm not giving a list or contact information, because I don't want a flood of identical stuff going to the same people. I just think we should let real reporters know about this.

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