
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

REAL Women's Voices

REAL Women's Voices
The abortion lobby continues to peddle the myth that all women are 'Pro-Choice' despite the fact that poll after poll shows that Americans - including women - are more pro-life than 'pro-choice.' Now it's time to set the country straight - and more importantly set the United States Senate straight! Abortion is harmful to women and children. Your voice is needed on this historic day in Washington, DC!

Your Senator needs to know that being Pro-Life and Pro-Woman is the same thing. Pro-Life women from across the nation are called to Washington, DC for a national pro-life women's lobbying day 'REAL Women's Voices' on Wednesday April 26, 2006 to urge Senators to protect women's lives and the lives of their unborn children.

Join me there!

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