
Friday, March 03, 2006

Social worker helpe cover up statutory rape

Fayetteville Online - AP Article Page
The files of a social worker who once faced a criminal charge over her teenage client's abortion are being targeted by the sheriff, who said he is simply trying to build a case against the man suspected of fathering the girl's baby.

The New Hanover County Sheriff's department took out a search warrant requesting a look at the case files of hundreds of past clients of Susan L. Taylor. ....

The information was sought as investigators continue to try to gather evidence in the case of a 14-year-old client of Taylor's who had an abortion last year.
Sheriff Sid Causey said Wednesday that he still is trying to make a statutory rape case against the 27-year-old man who is suspected of fathering the teenager's baby.

Taylor was charged last year with obstruction of justice because investigators said she refused to tell them her client was getting an abortion, and she advised her client to have the procedure when the lead investigator was off duty.

It actually sounds as if this social worker was acting on behalf of the rapist!

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