
Friday, March 10, 2006

What if they had a "National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers" and no one came?

What if they had a "National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers" and no one came? (From After Abortion blog)
Apparently that's what happened this year.

The NDAAP is supposed to be observed every year on March 10. It's an idea dreamed up in the 90s by Refuse and Resist.

In previous years, special promotional packages were created and groups like the Abortion Access Project helped spread the word--that entry, for example, was posted in 2004.

Not this year, though.

This year, none of the abortion rights organizations are promoting, mentioning, cooperating with the NDAAP--not even Refuse & Resist.

It's odd that the only people who seem to be remembering that this is Abortionists' Day is the prolifers who say we need to be praying that they'll quit.

I envision the poor forgotten abortionists, sitting forlornly like the Maytag repairman. If only!

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