
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Anniversary: Fetal parts found in trash

Why a Market For Fetuses Is an Abortionist's Dream

Dr. Ismail Elguindi got in trouble with the medical board when fetal parts were found in a trash container outside his clinic on April 8, 1989. Autopsy reports on the fetuses describe the findings (Warning: Graphic):
Hemorrhagic material partially wrapped in two paper towels was sorted from a non-specific civilian trash bag by the Deputy Coroner. ... Portions of two human fetuses were retrieved. FETUS #1: Parts of a fetus of indeterminate sex include a skull cap, both arms total with scapula intact, the entire vertebral column with a portion of rib cage attached, the pelvic girdle, the left femur, and both lower legs with feet attached. A kidney, the tongue, and one eye was also retrieved. Gestational age was estimated at 4 months, perhaps very slightly greater, estimated on length of long bones. Measurements are as follows: femur 28 mm. ...foot length 18 mm. ... hand length 15 mm. The tissue was evidently fresh from a viable abortion within hours. FETUS #2: A beheaded male fetus of an estimated 7-8 weeks gestation. The length of the fetus from shoulder to rump is estimated at 2.2 cm... The arms and scapula girdle was traumatically detached and retrieved in a separate piece. Again the tissue is fresh from a viable and very recent abortion.

The abortion of Fetus #1 outside a properly licensed facility constituted a felony. Elguindi was prosecuted for the crime of performing a felony abortion in an unlicensed clinic. He said that the had once flushed fetal remains, but later conracted with a company to dispose of boxed fetal remains. The scandal cost Elguindi a $10,000 fine by the medical board, along with the loss of his medical license.

However, Elguindi evidently got his license back, because according to the South Carolina Medical Board, his current license status is lapsed, not revoked. No further information is available. (Medical Board letter 2-22-95; The State 3-6-90, 7-26-91, 9-7-91, 5-18-94 , et al, Greenville (SC) News 3-6-90, Medical Board Final Order 10-31-91, Autopsy FA-89-446, AP 3-5-90)

I also have the following on file about Elguindi:

The medical board investigated the treatment of a patient I'll call "Rachel," age 29. Rachel was treated by Elguindi for infertility beginning August 25, 1990. She had a history of PID, and a likelihood of abdominal adhesions:

On September 6, 1990, Elguindi "attempted to perform a laparoscopy on [Rachel] under local anesthesia in his office with only the help of an unlicensed medical assistant. This surgical procedure has recognized, potentially very serious complications. Respondent was not in a position to safely and effectively respond to those complications that might have arisen... Respondent lacked appropriate surgical support needed in an emergency. ...he had no hospital privileges... Respondent's judgment in this decision was reckless and unacceptable."

Rachel subsequently experienced irregular bleeding on and off for approximately three weeks. "This is a classic symptom of a possible intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy. ...a heightened awareness of ectopic pregnancy, especially in a patient with a history of PID, is expected of one who, like Respondent, holds himself out as an infertility specialist."

Rather than investigating the possibility that Rachel had a life-threatening ecctopic pregnancy, Elguindi "inappropriately performed a dilation and curettage on October 16, 1990, without first attempting to learn whether the patient was pregnant, as she desired."

Had Rachel been pregnant, as she had been hoping, this "treatment" would have killed a loved and wanted unborn child.

On October 21, 1990, Rachel received emergency treatment elsewhere for an approximately ten-week-old ectopic pregnancy that Elguindi had failed to diagnose during the preceding seven weeks when she was under his care.

There was no evidence in his records that Elguindi even considered that Rachel might have an ectopic pregnancy, "despite indications that would be apparent even to a medical student. ... his treatment of patients did not reflect service to humanity with full respect for the dignity of man and did not merit the confidence of patients entrusted to his care."

The medical board further asserted that Elguindi's "care of patients did not reflect current medical knowledge and skill. ...Respondent is deficient in moral character or professional competency, and failed to uphold the dignity and honor of the profession. ...he has engaged in dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional conduct likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public. ...he has been found to lack the ethical or professional competence to practice medicine. ... Respondent's misconduct in this case discloses very serious deficiencies in his professional skill and judgment. Such serious deficiencies must be rectified immediately in order to protect the life, health, and welfare of the public."

Elguindi's license was suspended indefinitely pending completion in one year of Gynecology residence training, passing the Special Purpose Examination, and other criteria. He failed to pass the examination. Elguindi appealed, and a judge found Elgiondi "not at fault in failing to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy. Thus, a judge thwarted the medical board's attempts to keep this quack from victimizing other women. (Fifth Circuit Court of Common Pleas Docket No. 92-CP-40-4667, Medical Board Final Order)

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