
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

REAL women's voices!

Washington, DC ( -- Pro-life women across the nation are headed back to Capitol Hill later this month to dispel the notion that pro-abortion groups like NOW and NARAL speak for them. They will be talking with their representatives about issues like abortion and embryonic stem cell research and telling them that women value life.

Among the things I hate most in the world is the presumption that NOW speaks for me. Just because I have a uterus doesn't mean I want some masked man sticking sharp things into it and killing my baby. I prefer live babies, thank you very much!
Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the Susan B. Anthony List, one of the sponsors of the event, "Real Women's Voices" says pro-abortion groups continue to mislead lawmakers in assuming they speak for the average woman.

Frankly, if you look at the polls, pro-choice groups don't even speak for pro-choice women! They only speak for women who have an unqualified enthusiasm for abortion. That leaves out the reticent pro-choice, the personally-opposed pro-choice, and just ordinary women who want abortion legal as a last resort but are dismayed by the repeat abortion rate, the late abortions for social reasons, and the appalling malpractice tolerated by organizations such as the National Abortion Federation.
Dannenfelser's group is co-sponsoring the event with other major organizations such as Concerned Women for America, National Right to Life and the Family Research Council. The groups are looking for more women to head to Washington on April 26th for the second annual event.

I have my calendar marked.
Karen Cross, NRLC's political director says pro-abortion groups also mislead members of Congress into assuming that a majority of women are pro-abortion.

"The abortion lobby continues to peddle the myth that they represent most women, despite the fact that poll after poll shows that Americans -- including women -- are more pro-life than pro-abortion," Cross explained.

In fact, a September 2003 survey conducted by the Polling Company found 54 percent of women selected one of three different pro-life views opposing all or almost all abortions. Only 39 percent backed abortion.

A June 2003 poll conducted by the pro-abortion Center for the Advancement of Women found 51% of women took a pro-life position opposing most or all abortions while only 30 percent said it should be generally available.

Let's stress that: Only 30 percent of American women think abortion should be generally available. That means that these so-called "women's groups" represent only at most 30% of American women. God alone knows how many of the 30% who want it generally available also join the abortion lobby in opposing informed consent, parental involvement, organizations offering alternatives to abortion, and safety regulations.
Women attending the event will participate in lobbying training with workshops led by longtime representatives of pro-life groups. Following the training breakfast, attendees will participate in meetings with senators and Senate staff on pro-life issues.

To learn more or to register, click on the box in my sidebar or click here

Now all we need is a movement to give moderate pro-choice women a voice.

Why should rabid, fantatical abortion proponents be the only women with a voice in Washington?

Achromic, I'm talking to you! Real Women's Voices is the culmination of a move that started back in the 1980s, with the launching of the National Women's Coalition for Life. Sometimes all it takes is a catalyst, achromic, because that's what I was for the NWCL. I just kept pestering people in leadership positions with, "There ought to be a united front of normal women, who are united against abortion regardless of where we fit in on birth control, capital punishment, sex education, religion, or what-not." It was exciting to be behind the scenes at our launching, working to come up with answers to questions we knew the press would ask:

1. Birth control: All of our groups differ. This coalition is united in opposition to abortion, regardless of member groups' stands on artificial birth control.
2. Operation Rescue: Some of us participate in rescues, others are opposed to them, That's a matter of individual choice. What unites us is our opposition to abortion.
3. The role of religion: Some or our organizations are religious, others secular. We vary in our religious beliefs or lack thereof. We're united in our opposition to abortion.

It all boiled down to: "We're tired of being presented as if we favor abortion merely because we possess two X chromosomes. There are plenty of women appalled by abortion and we want to unite against it."

You could be a catalyst to do the same among prochoice women, to start saying, "NOW, NARAL, and NAF do not speak for us. We are united in speaking for ourselves: Women deserve better than standard US abortion practice."

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