
Saturday, April 01, 2006

We need a better name for Rep. Maloney's bill

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (rhymes with bologna -- Ha!) dubbed her anti-CPC bill The Stop Deceptive Advertising for Women's Services Act (SDAWS)

I think it deserves a more fitting name. Vote for your favorite, or suggest your own:

1. The Better Killed by Prochoicers than Annoyed by Prolifer Act
2. The Pregnant Women's Isolation and Despair Preservation Act
3. The You Rape Em We Scrape Em, No Exceptions Act
4. The Abortionists' Profits Protection Act
5. The Women Don't Deserve Hope Act
6. The Keep Women Frightened and Alone Act

Maybe we can come up with something that uses Rep. Baloney's acronym:

7. The Stop Doing Anything but Womb Scraping Act
8. The Shoot Down Alternative Women's Services Act

Or maybe we can come up with an acronym of our own:

9. The Crush Real Alternative Places Act (CRAP)
10. The Crush Real Alternatives for Women Act (CRAW)
11. The Crush Live-Affirming Women's Services Act (CLAWS)
12. The Ensure Very Isolated Lonely Abortion Customers Today Act (EVIL-ACT)

Whatddaya think? I think good acronyms would be:


But I can't think of anything that generates those acronyms.

Yeah, I'm on a vendetta. It's bad enough when they insist on allowing abortionists to lie, cheat, betray, maim, and kill. But when you try to stand between the weeping women and any hope somebody else might be trying to offer, you've really stepped in it. This is beyond protecting abortion and into the realm of crushing all hope. It's bad enough to offer only death yourself, but to try to stand between despairing women and everybody who could possibly help them....

This goes beyond simple human evil and into the realm of pure meanness for its own sake. This makes it so, so plain that the goal is to close off any choice but abortion, to make sure that there's the maximum shedding of blood as well of tears.

Misery just loves company, huh?

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