
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Parents lied to save preemie

World's Youngest Baby Born In Miami

Amillia Taylor, born after IFV, was delivered at only 21 weeks, 6 days. Because her parents knew that doctors wouldn't attempt to resusciate a baby 22 weeks or younger, they lied when mom Sonja Taylor was admitted to the hospital, so that doctors would think the baby was a 23-weeker.

She weighed just 10 ounces. Here she is, lying next to a pen: photo.

Meanwhile there are specialists who would gladly abort babies Amillia's age and older. And not for any sort of "maternal or fetal indications" but just because the mother showed up and paid for the deed. Right in Florida, Orlando Women's Center advertises 24+ week abortions.

Tiller cheerfully advertises 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions. Liberty Women's Health Care does up to 24 weeks -- more than two weeks older than Amillia. Choices Women's Medical Clinic advertises up to 24 weeks. Warren Hern advertises elective abortions up to 26 weeks -- a month older than Amillia -- and "medically indicated" up to 36 weeks. Abortion Advantage advertises elective abortions to 24 weeks. Atlanta Surgi-Center through 26 weeks.

Alabama - Montgomery - Beacon Women's Center (24 weeks LMP)

California -- Beverly Hills - Prochoice Medical Center (24+ weeks LMP)
- Fremont - Choice Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- Los Angeles - Eve Surgical Center (26+ weeks LMP)
- Los Angeles - Family Planning Associates Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- Los Gatos - Choice Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- Rancho Mirage - Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties (24 weeks LMP)
- Riverside - Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties (24 weeks LMP)
- Sacramento - Choice Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- Sacramento - Pregnancy Consultation Center & Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- Salinas - Choice Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- San Diego - Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties (24 weeks LMP)
- San Francisco - Choice Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- San Jose - Choice Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- Santa Cruz - Choice Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)

Colorado - Boulder - Boulder Abortion Clinic (26+ weeks LMP)

Connecticut - Bridgeport - Summit Medical Centers (24 weeks LMP)
- Hartford - Summit Medical Centers (24 weeks LMP)

Florida - Ft. Lauderdale - All Women's Center (24 weeks LMP)
- Ft. Lauderdale - BSS International (24 weeks LMP)
- Sarasota - Premier Institute for Women's Health (24 weeks LMP)

Georgia - Atlanta - Atlanta Surgi-Center (26 weeks LMP)
- Atlanta - Feminist Women's Health Center (25 weeks LMP)
- Atlanta - Summit Medical Associates (25 weeks LMP)

Illinois - Chicago - Family Planning Associates Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)
- Granite City - Hope Clinic for Women (24 weeks LMP)

Kansas - Wichita - Women's Health Care Services (26+ weeks LMP)

Massachusetts - Boston / Chestnut Hill - Women's Health Services (23 weeks LMP)

Michigan - Detroit - Summit Medical Associates (24 weeks LMP)

Nevada - Las Vegas - A-Z Women's Center (24 weeks LMP)
- Las Vegas - Summit Family Planning (24 weeks LMP)

New York - Long Island City - Choices Women's Medical Center (24 weeks LMP)
- New York City / Queens - Liberty Women's Health Care of Queens (24 weeks LMP)

Ohio - Cincinnati - Women's Med Center (24 weeks LMP)
- Dayton - Women's Med Center (24 weeks LMP)

Doesn't it just make you proud to live in a country where you have to lie to save your baby, but cash on the barrel head will get that same baby put to death cheerfully and efficiently?

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  1. Great site! Thanks so much for all the info....
    Honestly, I don't know how you guys find the time to do this!!! (you and Suzanne - love her Big Blue Wave)..
    I feel so guilty sometimes about not blogging and researching more; we all have kids; we're all busy....
    Well, God Bless, and I will add you to my "favorites" now, too!

    Thanks again,


  2. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Most premies have sever physical and neurlogical defects lasting their relatively short lives, which costs their insurance provider millions of dollars. Which makes everyone's premiums go up, which renders many people unable to afford health insurance at all.

    But, yeah, save a retard. Great!

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Gosh, I didn't realize that all the orphans had been adopted already, or that poverty had been irradicated. Good job!

  4. Anon, thanks for declaring the lives of my best friend's three kids to be totally worthless. Not to mention the lives of the folks at the State School where I used to work.

    Being disabled doesn't make you a piece of shit, no matter what elitists think to the contrary. Everybody's life is precious.

  5. Anon, thanks for pointing out to me how the prochoice stand toward abortion and infanticide is one of despair. "People are gonna treat these kids like shit anyway, so might as well kill them." Why not STOP TREATING THEM LIKE SHIT? What a radical concept! Stop punishing the victims! Whoa! Who articulated that? I think it was a guy named Jesus....
