
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The best of 40 Days for Life

From the 40 Days for Life Blog:


During course the course of the 40 Days for Life, countless women went to local Crisis Pregnancy Centers for free pregnancy tests and Christian counseling. Praise God! Many were sent by the pro-lifers manning the prayer vigil and it was reported to us that many others were showing up at these CPC’s with the literature we were handing out at Planned Parenthood. It was obvious to those of us who pray regularly at Planned Parenthood that their business was down during this campaign. When we ended, during the course of the morning over 175 people came out to pray. One of the new Planned Parenthood escorts as she was helping to usher the moms in seemed very taken aback when she heard the loving kind way we speak to and counsel the moms. She then proceeded to stop escorting and just observed for a while. Shortly thereafter she was seen taking a Rosary out and started praying with us from inside Planned Parenthood’s fence! We know that Planned Parenthood lies to them about our approach, and in fact at least 3 of the escorts during this campaign told us that we “weren’t what they expected.” Almost to a person the participants in this campaign told us that they wanted to continue, this next week they will be contacted to schedule their times. Our goal is to eventually man every hour that they are open.



Praise God!!!!! Tucson ended our Vigil today (only for this week) with a promise to continue by registering families who will go one day per month or more to pray at the abortuaries in our town. We already have 4 families for Saturdays! Next is our super good news … PP was not killing today, the second time during the 40 Days Vigils that they were not killing on their busiest day of the week! Additionally, the private abortuary, located in the same private property complex, was not killing yesterday, the second time during the 40 Days, and again, on their busiest day of the week!



The 15-plus babies that we know were saved was the biggest blessing. ....



Our 40 Days or Life has touched many lives. Girls that have had abortions shared their stories with our prayer angels and are seeking healing. Care Net, right across the street from Planned Parenthood, has been kept very busy throughout the Forty Days for Life Vigil. People stopping and joining from the street and wanting to give money to support the PRO-LIFE CAUSE. So many had no idea that Planned Parenthood promotes abortion and promiscuity and are amazed when we are standing there to PRAY THEM AWAY. The CEO of Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic Inc. tried to stage a rally against the 40 Days for Life and the press coverage backfired and was more pro-life than pro-abortion.

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