
Friday, November 23, 2007

California abortionist in trouble

“Repeated negligent acts”

The Medical Board of California has disciplined another California abortionist. For the second time in a dozen years, Dr. Edward K. Wilson of Los Angeles has been ordered to surrender his license while serving Medical Board-ordered probation.

Following a series of hearings, Administrative Law Judge H. Stuart Waxman concluded in March that Wilson was guilty of “repeated negligent acts,” “unprofessional conduct,” and “failure to maintain adequate records.”

The Medical Board disciplined Wilson in 1995 for very similar reasons, and he served five years probation.

In the current case, Medical Board records indicate that Wilson prescribed medicines without indicating in patients’ charts why the drugs were necessary, failed to document physical exams before performing abortions and other procedures, and ordered medical tests without documenting why they were needed.

Without saying why, the hearing officer noted in the record that Wilson has been banned from treating women on Medi-Cal: “Recently, Respondent’s case load decreased significantly after the California Department of Health Services prohibited him from seeing Medi-Cal patients.”

Wilson worked at Leo Kenneally's notorious Her Medical Clinic, where Michelle Thames, Lilliana Cortez, Maria Soto, and Donna Heim died.

I have this case in my files:

Juana N. filed suit alleging that she underwent an abortion by Wilson on September 13, 1986, at West Coast Women's Medical Group. She sought follow up at, and was admitted, to Inglewood Women's Hospital that day. There, on September 16, Steven Pine performed second D&C, after diagnosing an incomplete septic abortion, possible bowel perforation, and possible tubo-ovarian abscess. Juana suffered severe and continuous pain that required her to be transferred to Tarzana Medical Center's ICU on September 17, where she underwent surgery to treat intra-abdominal sepsis and pelvic abscess. She was hospitalized five weeks. (LA County Superior Court Case No. SEC61659)

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