
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Searches: Quizzes, Planned Parenthood dupes, quackery, and death

  • Abortion quizzes: Abortion: Defining the Terms; Illegal Abortions Post-Roe; Influential Abortion Events, Post-Roe Abortion Deaths. Tell us how you scored!

  • Northside Women's Clinic: Do you mean Northside Family Planning Service in Atlanta, Georgia, the place that sent Geneva Calton home to bleed to death from a botched abortion? Which may be affiliated with the place that let Catherine Pierce lapse into a fatal coma? The medical director of that reproductive health care facility was a Dr. Gay.

  • Christine Van Deusen was one of the people who signed a petition opposing a non-existent pregnancy center. The whole story was a hoax. But Van Deusen trusted Planned Parenthood to give her accurate information, and added: "This is a serious issue, this affects the respect of any woman, trying to make important decisioins her life, women do not need to be more scared they they already are, when it comes to pregnancy, and issues surrounded them, this is taken advantage of women at their Prime of emotional struggles." Van Deusen is more fortunate than Christi Stile, who trusted Planned Parenthood to refer her for a safe abortion and ended up totally incapacitated for the rest of her life. Or Diana Lopez, who trusted Planned Parenthood's assurances of safety, and ended up bleeding to death under their care. Or the women of Bangladesh, who trusted Planned Parenthood when they sent Harvey Karman (pictured) to abort them after they'd been raped by soldiers; he used his own experimental technique on them, involving -- like Dave Barry, I am not making this up -- plastic springs and balsa wood, with predictable results.

  • Jesika Smith is another signatory on the PP petition. She added, "It really doesn't matter what your belief system is, lying to anyone for any reason is flat out WRONG!" Like the way PP lied to you to get you to sign a petition? Like the way Planned Parenthood lied to Congress and the public about the effects of abortion anesthsia? They claimed that the anesthesia given to the mother for D&X abortions kills the fetus, thus frightening sick and injured women into rejecting necessary surgery for fear the anesthesia would harm their loved and wanted unborn chldren. Does that kind of lying trouble you as much as the lies that were purely a Planned Parenthood fabrication in the first place?

  • Teen abortion stories

  • Joe Bills Reynolds was the Oklahoma abortionist who let Gaylene Golden die under his care, had his janitor administering general anesthesia in his filthy clinic, and -- most famously -- killed his own wife in a botched liposuction.

  • "roe why do many women die from Back-alley butchers"? I suggest browsing through the Cemetery of Choice, sorting them into "back alley butchers" and "providers of vital reproductive health care services" and then answering the question for yourself.
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