
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Keep repeating: It's just tissue.

Doctors Work Inside Mother's Womb to Save Twins

Twin-to-twin Transfusion Syndrome was threatening the lives of Kim and Nate Stroh's 22-week unborn sons.

Twenty-two weeks. Legally abortable on-demand in every state in the Union.

The doctors went in with a laser instrument to fix the trouble:

Occasionally, to their surprise, a fetus will actually grab on to the scope in the middle of the procedure.

"The fetus will reach up and wonder what this scope is," Moise said. "And even though his or her eyes are fused so they can't really see the scope, they'll grab the scope sometimes because it's an object in their cavity."

Repeat it again, prochoicers, so you can continue to support abortion: "It's just tissue. Abortion just removes tissue."

HT: Big Blue Wave

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  1. Contrast that to the story of the mom in India who is seeking to abort her 25-week-old baby.

  2. You don't have to go to India. They're common enough in America. I compiled a list here of folks that advertise late abortions. A sample:

    Alabama - Montgomery - Beacon Women's Center (24 weeks LMP)

    California -- Beverly Hills - Prochoice Medical Center (24+ weeks LMP)
    - Los Angeles - Eve Surgical Center (26+ weeks LMP)

    Colorado - Boulder - Boulder Abortion Clinic (26+ weeks LMP)

    Connecticut - Bridgeport - Summit Medical Centers (24 weeks LMP)

    Florida - Ft. Lauderdale - All Women's Center (24 weeks LMP)

    Georgia - Atlanta - Atlanta Surgi-Center (26 weeks LMP)
    - Atlanta - Feminist Women's Health Center (25 weeks LMP)
    - Atlanta - Summit Medical Associates (25 weeks LMP)

    Illinois - Chicago - Family Planning Associates Medical Group (24 weeks LMP)

    Kansas - Wichita - Women's Health Care Services (26+ weeks LMP)

    Massachusetts - Boston / Chestnut Hill - Women's Health Services (23 weeks LMP)

    Michigan - Detroit - Summit Medical Associates (24 weeks LMP)

    Nevada - Las Vegas - A-Z Women's Center (24 weeks LMP)

    New York - Long Island City - Choices Women's Medical Center (24 weeks LMP)

    Ohio - Cincinnati - Women's Med Center (24 weeks LMP)

  3. I saw that you posted our story and I am so glad you did. When we were expplained the options before surgery, one of them was selective reduction. If one of our boys died during/before surgery, the other one would too. We were posed with the question of what to do if they went in for surgery and couldn't do anything...did they want us to end the life of one of the boys. Our choice was absolutely not...we believe that God is the author of life...not us...we left it in his hands... We now have to healthy, happy, 3 1/2 month old boys...I can't imagine life without them.

  4. Congrats on the boys, Kim!

    Have you posted your story at Be Not Afraid?
