
Thursday, September 04, 2008

"Respecting choice" and "Nobody is for abortion"

  • "This baby should have never been allowed to live a life of suffering. Gov. Palin should have aborted the pregnancy and saved this person a life of difficulty."

  • "Howard [Stern] thought that Sarah Palin should have not delivered the child that was going to be born with a reduced resources, and he went on and on about it." (NB: Stern hates Bristol's baby, too: “Any self respecting mother would have taken her daughter to an abortion clinic and had that blood clot removed”)

  • "Sarah Palin’s judgment is despicalble. She knowingly whelped a Mongoloid child earlier this year, probably to pander to the Right to Life Nutbags."

  • "No one has the right to bring a defective child into the world it is a form of self-love and shows no love for the child." (Scroll down)

  • "She should have aborted the Downs child…. no, giving him life was not the best thing." (Comment #387)

  • "I disagree with condemning the baby to a second-class life full of discomfort. I think it's more cruel to bring a baby into this world that you know will suffer and that cannot be cured. .... The issue is KNOWING that the baby will have Down syndrome and still being callous enough to bring it into the world." (Answer 2)

  • "She shouldn't have gotten pregnant. It was selfishness. And she should have aborted the fetus."

  • "It's obvious this comment came from some ignorant poor THING with self-esteem issues and the mental capacity of Palin's poor THING of a son that she should have aborted as soon as she knew he would never be a productive member of society!" (#33)

    Feel the love!

    Those are just the people who wish Trig Palin dead. I've found, but not included, quotes from people who wished other children dead.

    Nobody's for abortion. They're all just for "choice".

    Yeah. And I've got some land in Florida for sale at a good price, if you're buying this.

    1. Thanks for looking up this; saved me a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. The first link is to "The Democratic Party". Amazing.

    2. Anonymous1:20 AM

      The reason they got angry with Sarah Palin is because of Trig, at least in part.

      They saw that she had a spiritual love and compassion for him which they lacked. It revealed to them the darkness in their own souls and their own lack of love for humanity.

      Basically, the people in the abortionist movement lack spiritual developemnt and lack love for their fellow human beings. This is why they have a compulsion to support unlimited killing of helpless human beings.

    3. Joe, there are a lot of people who are really, honestly prochoice. They hate the idea of abortion but they're sold on the idea that somehow having it legally available is necessary to protect women. They trust the abortion lobby to look out for women's best interests. They don't know about the quackery, the coerced abortions, the lies, the deaths. And the people who do know don't care. Those are the people in power.

    4. Anonymous12:06 PM

      So Howard Stern and a few posts from obvious trolls means nobody has a free choice? Give me a break.

      Trig Palin is here, isn't he? Obviously Sarah Palin had a choice in the matter.

    5. Thank you so very much for getting the word—the truth—out about choice through your blog. Yes, I know that some truly are pro-choice, and this is a shame. But why don't they speak up about trolls like Stern?

    6. Anon, Howard Stern is immensely popular, and for every cockroach you see, there are a thousand you don't see.

      And what this means isn't "Nobody has a choice!" It's "Just because somebody says they're 'prochoice' doesn't mean that they aren't hiding an anti-choice agenda, be it population control, eugenics, elitism, or racism. They want the only choice (in their area of concern) to be abortion."
