
Monday, October 06, 2008

Whatever happened to the Choice plates in Florida?

Another state gets their Choose Life plates.

I remember when NOW unveiled their design for the abortion-choice plates in Florida. I was pretty snarky about them:

Aw! Isn't it cute the way the little aborted baby stars fly up to Heaven? While the one lucky little "chosen" star gets to gestate in Mommy's tummy!

Unconscious admission, or intentional statement? What do you think? Tell the Orlando NOW chapter here: I had to send them an email myself, to congratulate them on the aptness of their artwork.

Well, I don't see the NOW plate on the list of Florida specialty tags.

Did they not get up the cash and the signatures? Or did the snarky comments prolifers were making cause them to rethink the design?

Has anybody come up with an abortion advocacy plate yet that's managed to make it to anybody's bumper?

UPDATE: Montana has this plate supporting Planned Parenthood:

Check out the image of a parent and child (!?!) and check boxes saying "pro-family" and "pro-choice". This one wins the Orwell Award in both the Visuals and Language categories. It's right up there with the "Campaign for Healthy Families".

Seriously: If abortion is so great, why can't they just advertise it? Let the image be a stork dropping its bundle into a well, with the slogan, "Don't be punished with a baby!"

Why the family images for an organization that exists to prevent families from being formed in the first place?

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