
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Laura Hope Smith videos

While searching for "videos on abortion gone bad" I found that there are many videos available about Laura Hope Smith, who died September of 2007 on a Massachusetts abortion table. Dr. Rapin Osathanondh (Oh-SITH-a-non) hadn't had a trained anesthetist on staff, just a receptionist "hand-holder", to monitor Laura while she was under general anesthesia.

Here is a photo tribute to Laura by her mother, Eileen:

Here is the Life Matters episode about Laura's death, three months after she died. It's an interview with Laura's mother, Eileen.

In Part 2 Eileen explains, among other things, how the facility wasn't a clinic, just a doctor's office, and thus was not subject to regulations. She also discusses how abortion deaths go unreported.

Facing Life Head On interviews Laura's parents. It includes audio of the 911 call made after Laura had stopped breathing.

New coverage of Osathanondh's arraignment.

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