
Sunday, December 07, 2008

Abortion deaths in 1981

The Centers for Disease Control deigned to count the following abortion deaths in their most recent Abortion Surveillance Summary, for 2004:

Today I'll look at deaths in 1981. They count 9 -- 8 legal and 1 illegal.

That said, we can look at the deaths I know of. I have 10 deaths:

  • Barbara Auerbach died of a fatal intestinal obstruction after her safe, legal abortion.

  • Diane Boyd was a mentally disabled rape victim, one of three abortion patients to die under the care of National Abortion Federation champion Robert Crist.

  • Sheryl Cottone died when an embolism lodged in her heart.

  • Barbara Dillon was certainly not counted by the CDC, because her death was caused by her abortionist's failure to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Norma Greene died of an embolism in her lungs.

  • Barbara Lerner died of blood poisoning after her abortion.

  • Maura Morales was one of four women to die at the same seedy Miami abortion mill.

  • "Isabel" Roe is one of the women the CDC actually counted; they wrote up her death from peritonitis.

  • Sharonda Rowe died from a massive air embolism.

  • Robin Wells lapsed into a fatal coma after her safe, legal abortion.

    For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

    For more abortion deaths broken down by year, see this post.

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