
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tiller shot to death!

George Tiller shot to death at Wichita church

HT: Tlaloc.


I didn't pray for him nearly enough.

I really, really wanted to see this guy converted. I wanted to see him speak truth instead of ...


We can still pray for his soul. And despite the earthly evidence -- we can't know what he really believed about what he was doing. We can't know what his father (an abortionist) taught him.

The motive could be just about anything -- anger at his smug baby killing, a grieved father of a baby he killed, a family member of a woman he injured, a rival. We won't know until the dust settles. But whatever the motive, just gunning down the man wasn't the answer. I think Father Frank Pavone said it well:

"I am saddened to hear of the killing of George Tiller this morning. At this point, we do not know the motives of this act, or who is behind it, whether an angry post-abortive man or woman, or a misguided activist, or an enemy within the abortion industry, or a political enemy frustrated with the way Tiller has escaped prosecution. We should not jump to conclusions or rush to judgment.

"But whatever the motives, we at Priests for Life continue to insist on a culture in which violence is never seen as the solution to any problem. Every life has to be protected, without regard to their age or views or actions."

But abortionists, really, THINK ABOUT IT. You're in the business of death. And sometimes you reap what you sow. For the sake of your own souls and whoever you have who loves you, REPENT WHILE YOU HAVE TIME.

Here's more coverage:

Abortion Doctor George Tiller Killed at Church, Police Say
George Tiller shot to death at church; police search for suspect

We need to pray, pray, pray for abortionists. Many of them are old, all of them are doing things every day to make enemies who would wish them dead. And not all of them know what they're doing is wrong.

The Point also put it well:

I wanted to lose no time in emphatically denouncing the crime. This is not something that any of us here would have wished on Dr. Tiller. Despite his own acts of violence, we are not to take the law into our own hands. Better to leave his life in God's hands and let him have every chance to repent and turn from his sins before facing his Creator.

But now we can only pray, may God have mercy on his soul.

Kudos to LTI as well, for saying, "This is a terrible end to a life that was tragically misspent."

I'm a little pissed off at Troy Neuman for calling the shooting "vigilantism". We have no idea what the motive was at this point. Abortionists have been shot in gangland slayings and over adulterous affairs. We won't know why Tiller was shot until the investigation is over.

I'm also pissed off that news coverage isn't noting that plenty of patients and their families have just as much reason to have hated him and wanted him dead as anybody else.

ADDENDUM: The "prochoice" lamentation over this "hero" sickens me. He wasn't a hero. He killed babies. He let that quack Carhart kill Christin Gilbert. (I didn't see any prochoicers lamenting THAT death.) He left Sarah Brown paralyzed, blind, and mentally retarded after injecting formaldehyde into her brain to abort her then failing to finish the job. (Pro child my ass, prochoicers.)

If Tiller's death is a loss to society, so was the death of Josef Mengele. So was the death of Ted Bundy. So was the death of any other habitual killer.

Shooting him was wrong, but that doesn't make him a sad, pathetic victim. Tiller's shooting was on a par with a drug lord being gunned down by a rival. Yeah, shooting him was wrong. But that doesn't make his death a loss to anybody but his loved ones. Tiller left the world a better place purely by leaving it, and not by a single DAMNED thing he did while he was upright. And God knows he did enough DAMNED things. And I'm not using that word lightly.

Shooting Tiller was an example of prochoice thought -- that if a person's existence troubles you, then you have the right to kill them. And as such it was just as wrong as what he devoted his life to. Killing. The main thing that separates Tiller from his killer is that we have no reason at this point to believe that killing was something the shooter did habitually. And we have no reason to believe the shooter was rich, with powerful political connections and a firm belief that he was above the law.

There was a victim here, yes, but hardly an innocent victim.

And who benefits here? The abortion lobby. Now they're looking ever so sympathetic and beleaguered. People will lose sight of what it is they stand for -- pulling babies limb from limb out of the wombs of their weeping mothers. Some other greedy butcher will arise to take his place. George Pendergraft in Florida seems likely to assume the title of King of the Post-Viability Abortions. The killing will continue. And the killers will look like victims.

Just as the abortion lobby was losing ground in the polls, somebody steps forward and gives them a martyr. Satan is laughing. I can see his fingerprints all over this.

ANOTHER ADDENDUM: The only way this is a dark day for women is that the abortion lobby will gain ground. The loss of George Tiller himself is about as much of a loss to women as the death of Hitler was a loss to Jews. Get this through your thick heads: Most women prefer their babies alive. The death of a man who made it his business to kill babies is only a blow to women who hate babies and want them to be violently killed. And I resent the way self proclaimed spokespersons for women assume that I share their hatred for babies. Speak for yourselves.


  1. Great post, Christina. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I linked to your post at

  2. Thanks.

    I'm really shocked and dismayed at the whole thing. And I'm really seeing the hand of Satan here:

    1. Tiller likely died unrepentant.

    2. His killing will further harden the hearts of other abortion advocates.

    3. The killer damaged his own soul in this act.

    4. Just as the abortion cause was losing ground in public opinion, they're provided with a high profile martyr who was SHOT IN CHURCH.

  3. Predictably, the mainstream media already has a "THE ANTI-CHOICERS DID IT!!!" slant to their stories. Great. Our whole belief is that murder is wrong whether it is Tiller or an innocent baby (although I have to say that people who commit murder themselves are choosing their own death by legal means but that's a whole other can of worms).

    And I do hope that Tiller's murderer receives the due penalty for his or her actions. I had hoped that Tiller would come to his senses before he came to his end.

  4. I say again- I suppose congratulations are in order. Today you got what you've worked so hard to achieve.

  5. Tlaloc, do I have to ban you? This is a huge victory for Satan. YOU should be celebrating. And by your gloating I get the feeling that you are. You know that Satan has scored big on this one, and I get the feeling nothing could make you happier than the triumph of Satan.

  6. Does it really seem like *I'm* gloating? Am I the one talking about the state of "baby killer tiller's" soul and remarking on how his leaving this world (and only that) makes it a better place?

    I agree with you that evil just won. Where we disagree is which of us cheered it on.

    *I* tried to convince you to allow for the possibility that maybe he just wasn't guilty, just like the juries and review boards said. You'd have none of it.

    Don't try to tell me you participated in this witch hunt with no idea of how these things end.

  7. Tlaloc, you'd been missing for months, but the moment you found out Tiller was shot you made a beeline for my blog to gloat about it. You know full well that this is a HUGE VICTORY FOR YOU. You couldn't buy this sort of publicity. This is the best thing that's happened to abortion advocacy since Roe was handed down, and don't think I don't know how aware of it you are.

    You and your abortion loving buddies are probably cracking the champaign right now. You'll be out this evening at candlelight vigils, wiping away tears and saying all the right things about poor poor Dr. Tiller, champion of women's rights, yada yada yada, and then you'll go back to your houses and party until you all pass out.

    We'd been praying for this guy's conversion for years. Now all those hopes are dashed. His conversion would have been as huge a coup for us as his death is for you. And you know it full well.

    So go find your abortion loving friends and have your parties and bugger off.

  8. Christina,
    I looked at the news this morning to find out that a man had been murdered, and you think I'm cracking champagne?

    You're right I came here, why, because I wanted to see if you had said anything about the matter, and out of some perverse hope that maybe seeing the result of the pro-life rhetoric would cause you to pause. Maybe even to reconsider. Why? Because honestly I think you have decent intentions and I've seen you before recognize error on your side's part and express humility. But the Tiller case has always brought out the worst in you. It's brought out the most ugly impulse in you.

    And look what happened. The man's just been murdered and you're busy likening him to a nazi and a serial killer. Yeah, there's no possible way that kind of rhetoric could have anything at all to do with what happened.

    How did you expect this to end, Christina? You made it abundantly clear that this man was guilty of pure evil, no matter what the jury said, no mater what the review board said. He was pure evil and he was getting away with murder. He was a nazi and a serial killer rolled up in one. He was politically connected and the law couldn't touch him.

    What did you really expect the outcome of broadcasting that message to be? Please tell me.

  9. Ultimately, you are probably right that this will help the pro-choice side and hurt the pro-lifers. But you're very wrong if you think that's the kind of victory I want.

  10. Well said, Our Host.

    Might want to check the philosophy of the folks you're accusing of promoting this.

    Just because you think the only response is to murder one of those you describe as a Nazi, no matter that it promotes the Nazi movement, doesn't mean that everyone will try to gun down individual Nazis rather than smuggle out the Jews and try to sway current Nazis away from their movement.
    (to continue with the metaphor)

  11. You kill children, you get what you is coming to you.

    Jesus said, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

    Even in a church-Hippocrates!

    Since when has murder of children more acceptable than the murder of a murderer?

  12. GranyGrump, if you don't already have it, you'll want to get a counter that records IP addresses.

    It works pretty well, and is free. There's no free way for someone to get around it if they're going to post.

  13. Tlaloc, you're not stupid. Don't play dumb. The first I heard Tiller had been shot was from you and all I could do was sit there saying Shit shit shit shit shit.

    I dreamed about this man's conversion the way a Disney princess dreams about a prince. I would have long, elaborate daydreams about it.

    But I'm not going to pretend the man wasn't a mass murderer just because he himself was murdered. If you'd heard that a drug lord had been gunned down, would you try to pretend he was a nice guy? If a child rapist was gunned down, would you rhapsodize about him as if he'd been Mister Rogers?

    I'm about what's true here. Tiller was a butcher. He did terrible things. He killed children and he let his staff kill a teenage mentally disabled rape victim. He left a baby blind and paralyzed and mentally retarded by injecting formaldehyde into her brain. What kind of man does that?

    I'm sorry the man was shot. Far more sorry than you are, because for you it's just "Some poor kindly abortionist has been murdered." For me it's "Somebody I've prayed for for years and dreamed of seeing converted has been gunned down in a church, and now I'm watching my life's work go down the toilet."

    And you're pretending that this is something I'd have a reason to be happy about.

  14. Tlaloc, you're not stupid. Don't play dumb. The first I heard Tiller had been shot was from you and all I could do was sit there saying Shit shit shit shit shit.

    I dreamed about this man's conversion the way a Disney princess dreams about a prince. I would have long, elaborate daydreams about it.

    But I'm not going to pretend the man wasn't a mass murderer just because he himself was murdered. If you'd heard that a drug lord had been gunned down, would you try to pretend he was a nice guy? If a child rapist was gunned down, would you rhapsodize about him as if he'd been Mister Rogers?

    I'm about what's true here. Tiller was a butcher. He did terrible things. He killed children and he let his staff kill a teenage mentally disabled rape victim. He left a baby blind and paralyzed and mentally retarded by injecting formaldehyde into her brain. What kind of man does that?

    I'm sorry the man was shot. Far more sorry than you are, because for you it's just "Some poor kindly abortionist has been murdered." For me it's "Somebody I've prayed for for years and dreamed of seeing converted has been gunned down in a church, and now I'm watching my life's work go down the toilet."

    And you're pretending that this is something I'd have a reason to be happy about.

  15. What does he expect, its ok for him to kill 5 month old babys, and his family thinks this is ok also, and his chruch????? Big ???'s there, no it is not ok to kill him, but maybe he should have thought about what he was doing a bit more, seem's he had alot of chances to stop what he was doing and chose not to!!!!!

  16. wings, it was wrong to shoot him for the same reason that it was wrong for him to kill babies -- because it's wrong to just decide to kill somebody because their existence troubles you.

  17. WHAdaily,
    you wrote at 6pm that...

    "Jesus said, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"

    Read MATTHEW see what Our Lord Jesus really said, the context of what HE said and what HE meant!!!

  18. Commoner-
    it's a troll doing astro-turfing; the blog looks like an unusued spam blog.

  19. Yes, I'm also quite concerned that this man felt comfortable in church. If the preacher preached the Bible the way it was written, this man and many others like him could not have been comfortable listening week after week.

  20. I wish that I believed that the killer was a jealous husband, rival, or just some psycho who wanted a headline.

    Sadly, I'm sure it's going to be one of us. Some kind of guy who thinks he's pro-life and probably thinks he's doing God a favor by committing murder.

    Pro-life means being pro-LIFE. Not just anti-abortion.

    I'm glad to see that every major pro-life group is condemning the killing ... I hope that that gets enough attention to show people that we care.

    In the meantime ... He left behind a widow, four kids, and ten grandkids. They need our prayers, too. A great evil was done to them today.

  21. I do not wish anyone wrong, nor do I wish anyone death, but he deserved what he got. I can't believe that this man actually fed his family with money he earned by killing babies. But anyways, my condolences to his family, 'cause after all, he was loved by his family.
