
Monday, August 17, 2009

1978: Abortion at clinic owned by erstwhile criminal abortionist proves fatal

Marina DeChapell, age 34, went to the Miami abortion facility at 620 SW 1st Street for a safe and legal six to eight week abortion on August 17, 1978. Eduardo F. Elias administered Valium and Xylocaine for the abortion.

Immediately after the procedure, Elias noticed that Marina was not breathing. He initiated CPR and an emergency team was summoned. The ambulance crew found Marina with no signs of life.

Although the medical examiner did not attribute Marina's death directly to the abortion, police noted that the clinic, owned by Luis Barquet, was not equipped with any emergency equipment other than an air bag.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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  1. Did you see the newest news headline on DOMA? The White House is saying that current marriage law "discriminates against gays" and their basic idea is that the government doesn't have a compelling interest in denying marriage benefits to gays.

    What happened to the "compelling interest" of the government in allowing the American people to determine their own laws according to their own sense of right and wrong? It doesn't matter what the President or anyone else in our government thinks personally. The whole premise of the way our government is supposed to work is based on the "will of the people".

    I've repeatedly seen this mentality with the public non-option healthcare plan as well - the President and/or congressional representatives trying to convince consituents that they are right (and voting however they want to vote regardless of what "the people" want) and refusing to listen, let alone act upon, any public opinion to the contrary. One of my own congressmen, in response to an email I sent him voicing my dislike of the government healthcare plan, sent back a long reply which, if paraphrased, boils down to: "I understand that you do not agree with the healthcare reform bill. I DO agree with it and what you say will not change my mind or my vote. Thanks!". That's the whole feeling I got from this congressman's reply. It doesn't matter what I think, what matters is what HE wants to do. Nothing more.

    Thoughts? Is there a "fix" for this mentality? Although it would be nice, a complete government "makeover" probably won't happen.

  2. Is there a "fix" for this mentality?

    Vote him out of office at the next available opportunity, and until then, work on every one of his constituents that you know to vote against him at the next election, then campaign for whoever might be a suitable opponent. Your future ex-representative can then contemplate his course of action while unemployed.

  3. I actually meant is there a fix for this mentality in the government as a whole - it seems so rampant.

    I can do what I can to spread the word, although I don't live around any of his other constituents (wierd, yes, but it's because of the Army - we have state residency that is not the state we live in currently - we claim residency in the same state as my husband's permanent address). The constituents of his I know well are democrats, so I doubt they'll go against anything this man says (he's a democrat also).

    Trust me, I would never in a million years vote this guy back into office. If he doesn't listen to his constituency, then he isn't worthy of the position. Honestly, I'm not surprised that this guy is following along with the rest of his party (full speed ahead!).

  4. Army_wife,

    I'm usually an optimist, but in this, I'm a pessimist. It seems like even when there is an idealistic, honorable, good candidate for office, by the time he gets into Congress and stays any length of time, he becomes just like the rest. Unfortunately, "cleaning House" only works part of the time -- enough bad apples stay in to taint the whole batch, from both parties, it seems like.

    But don't give up on changing the minds of the constituents you know. You may be more effective than you realize. They may like the idea of ObamaCare, but not realize that with it, comes a whole bunch of stuff they *don't* like. Inform them of the stuff they don't like, so that they don't have an excuse for not knowing it. Perhaps you may even open their eyes.

    The problem I have when voting is that I may not like some past decision that a Congressman has made, but the other choice is someone who is far worse. Take the past Presidential race -- I did *not* want to vote for McCain, but I did anyway, because I thought Obama was far worse. Now, I wish I had just voted for a third-party candidate. Some people look at it as throwing one's vote away; other people look at voting for "the lesser of two evils" as still voting for evil. But it's hard to unseat the incumbent.

  5. I have the same problem you do when I vote. I didn't want to vote for McCain either (I would have MUCH rather voted for Alan Keyes), this is the way I saw it: Alan Keyes, although a wonderful candidate, didn't have much chance of beating out someone from the Big Two Parties (Dem./Rep.). And I knew for a fact that Obama would be nothing but bad for this country. So that left me with only one option - vote for McCain because he's the only one that had a chance of beating Obama while at least upholding some of the views I see as right. I didn't like everything McCain did or said but nothing even came close to Obama's terrible views on the issues, IMO.

    I think it's pretty bad that anyone from a party that is not D or R doesn't have much chance of winning the presidency. It's like a monopoly or something between those two parties.

    Regarding the other constituents in my district for state representation, the ones I know well that are Dems. are family members. I once asked how they could support a party that supports abortion on demand and all they said was "that's not true!". (OK, it's not? Look at their voting records!) I'm not sure they'll ever change their views, they listen too much to liberal media and the lies of their favorite politicians. They like to bring up politics in my presence just to make me mad but I try hard not to play their game (it doesn't always work, though...).

    Aside from my own views (about which candidates are the "wrong" ones to be in office, etc.), I think the only "wasted vote" is the one that is not used. I know of one family member that refused to vote in the last election because "neither candidate deserved it" (and another that didn't vote just to spite me - I believe voting is a moral responsibility, and that if you don't vote you can't complain about anything in the gov't because you wasted your chance to have a say).
