
Friday, September 25, 2009

Let us All Sing Dear Leader's Praises

Tell me this isn't creepy.

This is a PUBLIC SCHOOL IN NEW JERSEY, not a private school where parents choose to pay tuition to have their children taught to believe what their parents believe.

The fact that they can do things like this to other people's kids without parental permission is why the Left opposes school choice. If you can choose to send your kid to an indoctrination-free school, wouldn't you choose to do so?


  1. I wish I could be surprised.

  2. This reminds me of videos of North Korean school children singing praise of Kim Jong Il... Scary indeed.

  3. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Oh please. I’ll bet dollars to donuts that if the kids had been saying “Ronald Reagan” rather than “Barack Obama” this clip would never have gotten within 100 miles of your blog. Or you would have titled it something like, “A Moving Tribute to our Great Leader.”

    You teabaggers are really too much. You hate Obama so much that you have lost all rational focus.

  4. It doesn't matter what the Presidential name, having children sing a song of this nature is idolatry taught to the young.

  5. You don't get it Chad. There is no President that should be idolized like this. No one should EVER be idolized.

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    It doesn't matter what the Presidential name, having children sing a song of this nature is idolatry taught to the young.

    Subvet, I don’t think you understand what idolatry is, since by this logic you must then be opposed to the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance as well.

    There is no President that should be idolized like this. No one should EVER be idolized.

    Okay Sega, then why don’t you oppose Mount Rushmore, or the Lincoln Memorial? You don’t, because your hatred of Barack Obama has completely overtaken your rationality.

  7. There is a difference between "in remembrance of" and "in idolization of" Chad.

    I'm a Catholic. We have statues of saints. We do not idolize or worship these statues. Likewise, Americans do not idolize Mount Rushmore.

    These children are singing songs that idolize Obama. Listen to the lyrics one more time. The lyrics do not express being a great American by supporting America's interests. Rather, they express "Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!" ... He's "number one"? Uh... you don't call this a form of idolization? Strange...

    Further, the second song is a bastardization of The Battle Hymn of the Republic and was changed around to praise one single person: Obama.

    I don't have hatred for Obama. Quit the ad hominem.
