
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sympathy for the Devil

Maybe some of these clowns are A-List celebrities in their home countries. But they're looking for their 15 minutes of international fame, standing up for a rapist.

The Free Polanski Petition

This man raped a 13 year old girl.

I'm betting that every single signatory on that petition is also an ardent supporter of Planned Parenthood, the perverts' best friend.

Is it just me, or is there something bizarre about the way the Left treated Clarence Thomas (who allegedly made a lot of bawdy jokes that an underling found offensive) versus the way they treat Roman Polanski (who raped a 13 year old girl)?

Somehow making crude comments and gestures toward a grown woman is a heinous crime against humanity, but drugging and raping an underage girl is just part and parcel of being, you know, a great artiste.


  1. Polanski is a celebrity. He's a "beautiful person." The rules that apply to you and me aren't supposed to apply to him.

  2. I've never had much respect or admiration for Whoopi Goldberg, but her comments just REALLY soured me on her. Not "rape-rape"?? I can only hope that she was as ignorant of the charges as I was, prior to reading an article about it this morning, and assumed that it was statutory rape (which can be, perhaps, forgivable, if a 17-y/o boy sleeps with his 16-y/o girlfriend). But getting a 13-y/o drunk, and drugging her, then performing oral, vaginal, and anal sex on her is NOT something that can be overlooked as "not rape-rape." BLECH!

  3. Goldberg's comments only prove the idiocy of asking serious questions to an adult who makes their living playing "make believe".

  4. Interesting take on Clarence Thomas. Then again, Roman Polanski is not trying to become a Supreme Court Justice.

  5. I think what the victim wants should be respected. In this case she wants the entire thing to be dropped.

  6. He didn't just victimize her, he committed a crime against society. We can't establish that as long as you pick a victim who will want to bury the hatchet, you can rape underage girls to your heart's delight.

  7. She is saying that the case is hurting her and her family all over again. She forgave him and moved on. Dropping it is what she wants.

    He didn't hurt me or you. I don't want her to suffer anymore. She is an adult and it is her choice. I hope they will respect that.

  8. "I hope that they will respect that." that he can go and do the same to others??? Yikes.

  9. Of course, he would probably be ok in prison. RP is one intimidating dude. Watch CHINATOWN and remember, the little guy who slices Jack Nicholson's nose open is RP himself.

    SegaMon, don't worry. RP's raping days are behind him. At very least he'd need to use a stronger knockout drug.

    Scopolamine, that's what you want. Give her a salad with some leaves of datura stramonium (angel's trumpet). What they used to make "Mickey-Finn"s out of.

    Remember when they increased the penalties for possession of ANY AMOUNT of gamma-hydroxy buterate (GHB), the so-called "date-rape drug"? Well, GHB is a natural CNS neurotransmitter. So, it's illegal to possess a brain....

  10. Of course, he would probably be ok in prison. RP is one intimidating dude. Watch CHINATOWN and remember, the little guy who slices Jack Nicholson's nose open is RP himself.

    SegaMon, don't worry. RP's raping days are behind him. At very least he'd need to use a stronger knockout drug.

    Scopolamine, that's what you want. Give her a salad with some leaves of datura stramonium (angel's trumpet). What they used to make "Mickey-Finn"s out of.

    Remember when they increased the penalties for possession of ANY AMOUNT of gamma-hydroxy buterate (GHB), the so-called "date-rape drug"? Well, GHB is a natural CNS neurotransmitter. So, it's illegal to possess a brain....

  11. Laura Ashley,

    It *is* "the State of California" vs. Polanski, not this woman bringing charges. Yes, she was the victim; but the state has a duty to hold criminals responsible. While I can understand her desire at just dropping this whole thing and moving on (as she has done, in the past 3 decades), if criminals go unpunished, that merely emboldens others. How many perverts right now are contemplating drugging and raping a child, because Polanski got away with it?

  12. Not to put too fine a point on it, but for those who didn't notice ... he's a convict. He skipped the country before sentencing. To reward that is to discredit the justice system altogether.

  13. Yeah, the crime happened thirty-odd years ago. Okay, his victim wants to "forgive" and move on with her life.

    So what?

    Polanski was convicted. He fled the country before he could be sent to prison. Now that he's been caught, he needs to come back to the prison cell that should have been his home thirty-odd years ago. If anything, he should consider the last three decades of freedom to be worth the rest of his life ... because that's how long he should spend in the Big House.

    We must not have different rules for different people. Remember the Catholic sex-abuse scandals? Former altar boys who came forward after many years to charge priests with rape? Never mind the fact that the actual number of predatory priests was remarkably low ... those scandals are still reverberating and echoing.

    How many of these Hollywood airheads spoke out in defense of Catholic priests? Anyone? Anyone at all?

    (The problem is that Polanski is "cooler" than the Catholic Church....)

    Anyway, here's my point: If you were part of the baying mob who howled about the Catholic sex-abuse scandals, then you must want Polanski's head on a platter. Anything less than that would be inconsistent and illogical....

  14. Naaman, I wish I'd said what you did.

    Make no mistake, I'll be borrowing from it heavily when I have discussions like this in the future.

    Very well said, and a perfect analogy to the priest situation.

    No one cares if an abusive priest also did a lot of good ... that they were abusers, however long ago, is all that matters. Polanski should not be viewed any differently.
