
Saturday, May 22, 2010

But giving them condoms would have been TOTALLY appropriate...

Anti-abortion fetus dolls handed out to Norfolk students

Plastic human fetus dolls - soft, in pink and brown, and about 4 inches long - have been handed out at Oakwood Elementary School by an employee who was put on administrative leave Thursday over the situation.

Had this employee arranged for a 12-year-old to have a secret abortion, he or she would be applauded for respecting the reproductive rights and autonomy of the "woman". But to actually provide them with a model of an unborn baby? Appalling!

We're supposed to be teaching them to masturbate, encouraging them to make out, and referring them for contraceptives, not giving them information that is actually age appropriate! After all, a kid who has known since elementary school what a 12-week fetus looks like will be notoriously hard to feed into the abortion mill a year or two down the road.


  1. Chriatina I don't think we need to teach 12 year olds to masturbate or make out - they do that already - what they need is someone to teach them that its normal and healthy and the consequences both emotional and physical of having intimate relations. Then when they are old enough to understand the philosophical issue of abortion they can debate about it in class.

    Everyone masturbates and I sure hope everyone makes out at some stage!

  2. You've evidently never seen some of the stuff PP puts out.

  3. You've evidently never seen some of the stuff PP puts out.

  4. The actual card that was handed out didn't say anything about abortion. It just said "some people think my life starts at birth, but it actually starts much earlier than that!"

    The fetal model was about 11 weeks, and at that point in development, just looks like a small baby.

    I showed by 5 y/o and my 18 m/o the same thing when we told them I was pregnant so that they could get an idea of what the baby looked like at that point in pregancy.

    It's hardly tramatic. Now, I will say that it is probably best that these types of models are given out as part of a biology lesson on fetal development, not just out of the blue, but the outrage is ridiculous.

  5. But pro-aborts don't want fetal development taught at all, even in biology class. You can't show kids pictures of what is quite obviously a human baby and then successfully brainwash them into believing it's a "worthless clump of cells."

  6. I remember being bewildered in my college Biology of Sex course -- we covered embryonic development in meticulous detail right up to 6 weeks, then leaped forward to about 24 weeks. It's as if they were deliberately keeping back all the information about prenatal development during the "abortable" period.
