
Friday, May 07, 2010

"Hello Baby!" thanx to iPad and Pampers

iTunes Preview:

You’ve heard a lot about the ways your baby will develop during your pregnancy—now Pampers enables you to experience baby development like never before: at simulated life-size, right on your iPad. Enter your due date to track week-by-week typical progress and learn about the important changes happening. Hold the iPad in front of your tummy and see a typical representation of the baby, with richly detailed images illustrating his or her growth. Hello Baby is a whole new way to get your family excited to welcome its newest member.

We need to get an iPad and this app for every sidewalk counsellor in America.

HT: Jill Stanek -- who suggested an iAbortion app that will show how your baby will be disposed of.

1 comment:

  1. Wow ...

    How long before NARAL and NOW get ticked off at Pampers and Apple now?
