
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

1982: Mom dies, kids left in the lurch

Angel Dardie, age 22, left two children motherless when she died on August 3, 1982, of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (a clotting disorder) after a safe, legal saline abortion performed by Youl Choi at Plymouth General Hospital.

Angel's mother sued, saying that the abortion was performed negligently. Although she sued for $5 million, she was awarded a settlement of $6000 from Choi and $2500 from the hospital. $1744 of this went to the attorney, plus an additional $667 given to him from the settlement for his expenses. $1528 of the settlement was ordered to be used to reimburse for funeral expenses. This left Angel's mother and orphans with $4561. No settlement was awarded for pain and suffering, nor was there any settlement for Angel's surviving children.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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1 comment:

  1. On what grounds did the mother claim the abortion was done "negligently"?

    A patient dying does NOT mean the doc did anything wrong. Sometimes you do everything right and your patient dies anyway. This is true in ALL medical fields except pathology.
