
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today's anniversaries

1978: Abortion at clinic owned by erstwhile criminal abortionist proves fatal: Marina DeChapell, age 34, went to a Miami abortion facility for a safe and legal six to eight week abortion on August 17, 1978. Immediately after the procedure, the abortionist noticed that Marina was not breathing. Although the medical examiner did not attribute Marina's death directly to the abortion, police noted that the clinic, owned by erstwhile criminal abortionist Luis Barquet, was not equipped with any emergency equipment other than an air bag.

1971: Safe and lethal: Vicki was 23 years old when she underwent an abortion in New York state. She was 20 weeks pregnant. Saline was injected into her uterus to begin the abortion. The next day, she began to show signs of infection. She expelled her dead fetus but her condition did not improve. On August 17, she died of sepsis.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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  1. Hello I am trying to find an email for you Christina.
    I have a sensitive question and want to remain somewhat anonymous.

