
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Two more beneficiaries of the abolition of laws against abortion

Synthia Dennard
Twenty-four-year-old Synthia Dennard went to Biogenetics in Chicago for an abortion and tubal ligation on September 7, 1989. The surgery was performed by Inno Obasi.

Synthia began to hemorrhage during the surgery. A medical investigation later found that Obasi had "failed to summon help in a timely manner; refused to allow trained and skilled paramedics to attend to Synthia; refused to allow paramedics to transport Synthia to a hospital in a timely manner," and otherwise "allowed Synthia to bleed to death."

Synthia's survivors had to file a court order to keep the facility from destroying her records. An autopsy revealed that instead of removing a section of Synthia's fallopian tube, Obasi had removed a portion of an artery. The autopsy also revealed that Synthia, mother of two, had not been pregnant at the time of her abortion.

Tanya Williamson
Tanya Williamson is referred to as "Patient A" in medical board documents pertaining to her abortionist, Moshe Hachamovitch. By cross-matching details with outside sources, I was able to identify her by name.

Tanya had laminaria inserted at Hachamovitch's facility on September 6, 1996, for an early second-trimester abortion. Hachamovtich estimated that she was almost 14 weeks pregnant. He instructed Tanya to return the next day for her abortion.

Tanya returned on September 7, as instructed. Medial board documents tell how Hachamovitch and his staff failed this patient, allowig her to die due to their ineptitude and inaction.

Tanya was not the only woman to die under the dubious care of Hachamovitch and/or staff at his facilities. The others I know of are Christina Goesswein, age 19; Luz rodriguez, age 40; Lou Ann Herron, age 33; Jammie Garcia, age 14; and Lisa Bardsley, age 26.

For more abortion deaths, visit the Cemetery of Choice:

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