
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today's Deadly Abortionist Steals Romanian Abortionist's Thunder!

Abortion advocates have long made a habit of rewriting history and taking credit for other people's accomplishments. The hoary old tales conjuring out of thin air  thousands of women who were supposedly dying a year from abortions before legalization is a classic they never seem to tire of retelling. They're also famous for claiming that it was their success in legalizing abortion that (apparently retroactively!) improved maternal mortality in general, and abortion mortality in particular, during the preceding decades of the 20th century. Nice trick, legal abortionists, to claim credit for something that was happening decades before you stepped into the game.

Today I discovered a whole new type of revisionism: claiming credit for having "pioneered" a method "for terminating pregnancies safely in the second trimester." Yes, it seems that FPA's own Dr. Kenneth Wright -- the guy who perpetrated the fatal abortion on Kimberly Neil, who died on this date in 2000 -- invented saline abortions!.

The saline amniocentesis, or saline instillation, or simply "salting out" technique was developed by Romanian abortionist Eugen Abruel in 1934. Since Wright is currently 79 years old, evidently he was so devoted to abortion that he collaborated on a method for killing fetuses while he was a still a fetus himself. (That would sort of undermine the standard "A fetus isn't a person" claim.) Or maybe when 1979 rolled around Wright used the same magic fairy dust that allowed New York's abortion legalization in 1970 and Roe vs. Wade in 1973 to reduce abortion deaths half a century earlier.

Okay, so the illustrious Dr. Wright was a bit late jumping on the saline bandwagon. About 45 years late. He did at least pioneer using this "safe" method in the United States, right?

Perhaps he did. But a look at history indicates that "pioneering" the use of saline abortions in 1969 might not have been the world's brightest idea.

In 1965, Japanese doctor Takashi Wagatsuma published an article in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gyncology describing the "rather disastrous consequences which we experienced in Japan" when using saline for abortions. Over 70 papers had been published in the Japanese medical community reporting hazards of saline abortions, including at least 60 maternal deaths. The Japanese Obstetrical and Gynecological Society condemned the technique, and it was abandoned.

A British study published in 1966 found that the saline would enter the mother's bloodstream and cause brain damage. Swedish researchers noticed an unacceptably high rate of complications and deaths. Sweden and the Soviet Union followed Japan's lead and abandoned saline abortion as too dangerous for women in the late 1960s.

In the December 15, 1969 Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Yukio Manabe wrote, "It is now known that any solution placed within the uterus can be absorbed rather rapidly into the general circulation through the vascular system of the uterus and placenta. Thus any solution used in the uterus for abortion must be absolutely safe even if given by direct intravenous injection. ... A solution deadly to the fetus may be equally toxic and dangerous to the mother. ... In spite of the accumulating undesirable reports, the use of hypertonic saline for abortion is still advocated and used ... in the United States and Great Britain. I would like to call attention to the danger of the method and would predict the further occurrence of deaths until this method is entirely forgotten in these countries."

But rather than heed the warnings of doctors Wagatsuma and Manabe, Wright plowed ahead. Saline abortions had been abandoned in Sweden, Japan, and the Soviet Union because they were too dangerous for Swedish, Japanese, and Soviet women. Kenneth Wright, however, didn't think they were too dangerous for American women.

Making a known danger available to unknowing American women is hardly something to be proud of. But then, Wright is proud to work for Family Planning Association Medical Group, where he and his associates failed to properly resuscitate Kimberly Neil. Wright was also sued over the 1986 abortion death of 17-year-old Laniece Dorsey, and was a co-defendant in the lawsuit filed over the death of 37-year-old Josefina Garcia.

The Family Planning Associates chain of abortion facilities is also responsible for the deaths of over a dozen women other that I know of, including Denise Holmes,Patricia ChaconMary PenaJosefina Garcia, Joyce Ortenzio, Tami Suematsu, Deanna Bell, Susan Levy, Christina Mora, Ta Tanisha Wesson, Nakia JordenMaria LehoMaria Rodriguez, and Chanelle Bryant.

This deceitful, boastful, and dangerous batch of quacks also belongs to the National Abortion Federation.

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