
Thursday, August 01, 2013

Another NAF Clinic Closed by State

HT: Operation Rescue

Press Release: DHHS Takes Action to Protect Health and Safety of North Carolinians
(I have highlighted particularly important points.)
Raleigh, N.C.-In response to inquiries, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed today that it has suspended the license of a medical clinic in Asheville, N.C, which specializes in abortions. After a routine survey of FEMCARE, Inc., inspectors found egregious violations of existing rules that revealed an imminent threat to the health and safety of patients. 

"Inspectors from Division of Health Service Regulation (DHSR) found the facility failed to comply with 23 separate rules," said Drexdal Pratt, Director of DHHS' Division of Health Service Regulation (DHSR). ....

In addition to other findings, the survey found the facility:
  • Failed to maintain anesthesia (nitrous oxide gas) delivery systems in good working condition, with torn masks and tubing held together with tape.This could lead to patients not receiving the intended dosage and risk patients not being fully sedated during surgical procedures, leading to pain and physical harm.
  • Failed to ensure emergency equipment had weekly checks to ensure the equipment was suitable for use in patient care and failed to ensure that emergency medicine wasn't expired.
  • Failed to have a resuscitator available.
  • Failed to sweep and mop the operating room floor and failed to properly clean operating room beds.
  • Failed to have a director of nursing responsible and accountable for all nursing services.
  • Failed to have an agreement/contract with an anesthetist or anesthesiologist.
  • Failed to have an agreement/contract with a registered pharmacist to assure appropriate methods, procedures and controls for obtaining, dispensing, and administering drugs.
FemCare is a member of the prestigious National Abortion Federation (see listing here), which purportedly provides the safest and highest quality abortion practitioners. However, one National Abortion Federation clinic allowed notorious abortionist and convicted murder/admitted drug dealer Kermit Gosnell to begin illegal third-trimester abortions on their premises and complete them in his Philadelphia "house of horrors," where they were doped within inches of their lives by amateurs and left to moan on bloody recliners amid the fleas and cat feces.

 FemCare is also a member of the Abortion Care Network, another organization that purports to refer women to safe and high-quality abortion facilities.

So much for the idea that prochoice organizations can be trusted to oversee abortion practitioners and to refer women to places that won't endanger their lives.

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