
Friday, June 06, 2014

Pregnancy Centers vs. Abortion Centers

The vicious attacks on CPCs, in tandem with the blithe indifference to the palpable damage abortion facilities do with their quackery, demonstrates clearly that the top priority of the prochoice movement isn't women's lives, women's health, women's well-being, or even women's choices.

There's no huge Silent No More movement of women whose souls and bodies were damaged because they trusted CPCs. Most CPC clients are grateful. As for the ungrateful, there's nothing but a sniveling contingent of petulant, spoilt brats who got all whiny because they wanted a dead fetus but got offers of real help instead. And why did they walk into CPCs to begin with, if they knew they wanted abortions? The Yellow Pages make it very clear which advertisers sell abortions and which don't. They can always walk out the door and get what they want. No harm done.

No woman has ended up with a hysterectomy or a colostomy because she visited a CPC. No woman has ended up with her life in a tailspin because she visited a CPC. No woman has ended up in her grave because she trusted a CPC. Many have been helped, a few have been irritated. And that's it.

But terrible fates have met women who trusted abortion facilities. Young girls have had to have hysterectomies before they were out of high school. Women have ended up passing waste through a stoma into a bag for the rest of their lives. They've ended up in mental hospitals, in nursing homes, and in cemeteries. And where is the prochoice movement's concern for these women? There is none. As long as the fetus dies, it's a happy ending. Even if there was no fetus, if the woman only thought she was pregnant, if she gets vacuumed out, mission accomplished. That's all that matters.

Let's illustrate:

All of the Women Who Died Because They Visited CPCs Some of the Women Who Died Because They Visited Abortion Facilities

• Diane Adams
• Eurice Agbagaa
• Leigh Ann Alford
• Demetrice Andrews
• Mickey Apodaca
• Gloria Aponte
• Barbara Auerbach
• K.B.
• Jackie Bailey
• Brenda Banks
• Myrta Baptiste
• Lisa Bardsley
• Junette Barnes
• Deanna Bell
• Brenda Benton
• Rosario Bermeo
• Janet Blaum
• Cassandra Bleavins
• Linda Boom
• Diane Boyd
• Mary Bradley
• Dorothy Brown
• Chanelle Bryant
• Dorothy Bryant
• Belinda Byrd
• Janyth Caldwell
• Geneva Calton
• Marla Cardamone
• Teresa Causey
• Claudia Caventou
• Patricia Chacon
• Colleen Chambers
• Sandra Chmiel
• Gwendolyn Cliett
• Margaret Clodfelter
• Pamela Colson
• Geneva Colton
• Andrea Corey
• Liliana Cortez
• Edith Cote
• Sheryl Cottone
• Twila Coulter
• Carol Cunningham
• Betty Damato
• Mary Ann Dancy
• Angel Dardie
• Barbaralee Davis
• Glenda Davis
• Kathy Davis
• Margaret Davis
• Sharon Davis
• Marina DeChapell
• Arlin della Cruz
• Synthia Dennard
• Alerte Desanges
• Barbara Dillon
• Jane Doe of Newark
• Laniece Dorsey
• Tamika Dowdy
• Gwendolyn Drummer
• Anjelica Duarte
• Evelyn Dudley
• Sherry Emry
• Georgianna English
• Maureen Espinoza
• Gladyss Estanislao
• Erna Fisher
• Bonnie Fix
• Sharon Floyd
• Linda Fondren
• Janet Foster
• Christella Forte
• Glenna Jean Fox
• Jammie Garcia
• Josefina Garcia
• Marie Gibson
• Christin Gilbert
• Josefina Garcia
• Kathleen Gilbert
• Christina Goesswein
• Gaylene Golden
• Maria Gomez
• Rita Goncalves
• Shary Graham
• Doris Grant
• Debra Gray
• Norma Greene
• Carolina Gutierrez
• Angela Hall
• Sharon Hamptlon
• Arnetta Hardaway
• Gracealynn Harris
• Wilma Harris
• L'Echelle Head
• Sheila Hebert
• Donna Heim
• Lou Ann Herron
• Moris Helen Herron
• Rhonda Hess
• Betty Hines
• Shirley Hollis
• Denise Holmes
• Barbara Hoppert
• Mary Ives
• Karretu Jabbie
• Louchrisser Jackson
• Sandra Kaiser
• Patricia King
• Giseline Lafontant
• Minnie Lathan
• Barbara Lerner
• Susan Levy
• Cora Lewis
• Sara Lint
• Maria Lira
• Suzanne Logan
• Diana Lopez
• Linda Lovelace
• Elva Lozada
• Deborah Lozinski
• Dawn Mack
• Michelle Madden
• Sharon Margrove
• Gail Mazo
• Sophie McCoy
• Rita McDowell
• Myria McFadden
• Evangeline McKenna
• Kathy McKnight
• Kendra McLeod
• Lynn McNair
• Dawn Mendoza
• Yvonne Mesteth
• Natalie Meyers
• Sandra Milton
• Mitsue Mohar
• Ruth Montero
• Denise Montoya
• Beverly Moore
• Sylvia Moore
• Maura Morales
• Shelby Moran
• Katherine Morse
• Kelly Morse
• Loretta Morton
• Kathy Murphy
• Dorothy Muzorewa
• Guadalupe Negron
• Kimberly Neil
• Germaine Newman
• Sara Niebel
• Maria Ortega
• Joyce Ortenzio
• Venus Ortiz
• Linda Padfield
• Mary Ann Page
• Mary Paredez
• Holly Patterson
• Shirley Payne
• Mary Pena
• DaNette Pergusson
• Erika Peterson
• Catherine Pierce
• Katrina Poole
• Yvette Poteat
• Vanessa Preston
• Dawn Ravenelle
• Jacqueline Reynolds
• Erica Richardson
• Luz Rodriguez
• Magdalena Rodriguez
• Rosael Rodriguez
• "Amanda" Roe
• "Alice" Roe
• "Amy" Roe
• "Annie" Roe
• "Andrea" Roe
• "Anita" Roe
• "April" Roe
• "Audrey" Roe
• "Barbara" Roe
• "Becky" Roe
• "Beth" Roe
• "Cindy" Roe
• "Colleen" Roe
• "Connie" Roe
• "Danielle" Roe
• "Donna" Roe
• "Dorothy" Roe
• "Ellen" Roe of the CDC
• "Ellen" Roe of New Jersey
• "Faith" Roe
• "Faye" Roe
• "Gail" Roe
• "Gloria" Roe
• "Isabel" Roe
• "Judy" Roe
• "Julie" Roe
• "Kimberly" Roe
• "Lori" Roe
• "Melissa" Roe
• "Molly" Roe
• "Monica" Roe
• "Nancy" Roe
• "Robin" Roe
• "Roseann" Roe
• "Roxanne" Roe
• "Sandra" Roe
• "Sara" Roe
• "Sheryl" Roe
• "Susan" Roe
• "Tammy" Roe
• "Terri" Roe
• "Vanessa" Roe
• "Vicki" Roe
• "Yvonne" Roe
• Julia Rogers
• Rhonda Rollinson
• Allegra Roseberry
• Sharonda Rowe
• Rhonda Ruggerio
• Stacy Ruckman
• LaSandra Russ
• Tamia Russell
• F.S.
• Stella Saenz
• Angela Sanchez
• Angela Satterfield
• Carole Schaner
• Angela Scott
• Oriene Shevin
• Gloria Small
• Deloris Smith
• Diane Smith
• Margaret Smith
• Teresa Smith
• Laura Sorrels
• Kathryn Strong
• Jennifer Suddeth
• Tami Suematsue
• Yvonne Tanner
• Michelle Thames
• Ingrid Thomas
• Magnolia Thomas
• Vivian Tran
• Elizabeth Tsuji
• Cheryl Tubbs
• Iris Valazquez
• Cycloria Vangates
• Latachie Veal
• Brenda Vise
• Cheryl Vosseler
• Gail Vroman
• Pamela Wainwright
• Lynette Wallace
• Debra Walton
• Nicey Washington
• Sheila Watley
• Diane Watson
• Ingar Weber
• Robin Wells
• Chivon Williams
• Ellen Williams
• Nichole Williams
• Sandra Williams
• Shirley Williams
• Tanya Williamson
• Carole Wingo
• Virginia Wolfe
• Darlene Wood
• Gail Wright
• Stacy Zallie

I don't know how to even begin to get the prochoice movement to care about women. I've been trying for over twenty years now. I've seen individuals learn to care more about women than about politics, but they all become converts to the prolife cause. And then, like me, they realize that they're powerless to do anything to protect the women who think that they can trust Planned Parenthood, NAF, and NARAL to look after their best interests.

It's the great paradox of our time.


  1. You nailed it again! Thank you.

  2. This is truly powerful to see a list like this.

  3. Yeah, it humanizes the numbers & statistics & reminds us that real humans are involved here.
