
Friday, June 24, 2016

University Obtains Aborted Baby Brains for Youth Summer Camp

HT: Live Action News
Today, the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives released a gruesome journal of “Procurement Notes,” which was given to the Panel by the University of New Mexico. The notes were made by a lab technician who was employed by the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. UNMHSC partnered with the Southwestern Women’s Options abortion facility and would send a tech over to collect aborted babies and their body parts.
"The lab tech wrote in May 2012 that someone from UNMHSC 'asked clinic for digoxin
treated tissue 24-28 weeks for methylation study + because [redacted] wants whole,

fixed brains to dissect w/summer camp students. Clinic est. 27 and 28 weeks."
NB: Fetal viability is generally recognized as 24+ weeks. - ed

The summer camp is evidently part of the "High School Pipeline Program." From the university web site:
Dream Makers Health Careers Program (DMHCP) is a join effort between the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNM HSC) Office of Diversity and several school districts throughout New Mexico. Dream Makers provides middle and high school students with unique opportunities to gain exposure to the many possibilities in the health professions while enhancing their science and math skills.
One of the activities offered is "Dissection of various specimens."

What exactly is a "dogoxin treated" brain? This video shows how a digoxin abortion is performed:

Are the parents being told that "digoxin treated" aborted baby brains are some of the "various specimens" being dissected at their kids' summer camp? Is anybody told where these "specimens" come from? Are the kids given the chance to opt out?

And, really, how nasty can you get?

1 comment:

  1. I was born at 28 weeks gestation.

    This is even more horrifying to me because of how close to home it hits.
