
Saturday, December 03, 2022

Dereliction of Duty and Pennsylvania Officials

Viewers of the KTSM 9 New Report about a Texas District Attorney accused of witness intimidation express legitimate disgust and outrage that a public official would do the opposite of what her duties required her to do.

This disgust and outrage is 100% legitimate, and I hope that DA. Rosales is held 100% accountable for her deplorable actions.

That said, I think the Pennsylvania officials who allowed Kermit Gosnell's Women's Medical Society to deteriorate into the house of horrors it became have set the bar pretty high for dereliction of duty. If any public officials anywhere did the opposite of what they were supposed to do, it was the officials who knew about Kermit Gosnell and his Women's Medical Society and deliberately turned a blind eye.

To make my point, I've highlighted what the Grand Jury had to say.

View the entire Grand Jury Report.

Let's start with the Department of Health, which is responsible for the safe operation of outpatient medical facilities.

View relevant sections, which I broke down into chunks my photo editor could manage, highlighting the most salient points:

Now let's look at the Department of State, which is responsible for overseeing licensed professionals, including physicians.

View relevant sections, which I broke down into chunks my photo editor could manage, highlighting the most salient points:

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