
Saturday, August 19, 2023

August 19, 1917: One Doc in Prison, One in the Asylum

Mary Park, a 24-year-old schoolteacher of Greeley, Colorado, died August 19, 1917. Authorities believed that she died from a criminal abortion, but Mary signed a statement exonerating the two Denver physicians who were suspected.

For some reason, in September of 1921, Mary's body was exhumed. It was "in excellent state of preservation, but that one of the abdominal organs had been removed and a plaster of paris [sic] cast inserted in its place." A medical criminologist concluded that Mary had died from an abortion. 

Dr. E.L. Willis and Dr. Nicholas J. Phelan were arrested. During the trial Phelan was acquitted by reason of insanity and sent to a mental hospital. Willis was convicted. He had been party to the abortion, performed on August 8, 1917 at the Colonia Hotel in Denver. Willis was sentenced to 10 - 15 years in prison for Mary's death. He appealed his conviction but it was upheld.

Watch Exhumed Four Years Later on YouTube.

Mark Park additional sources:

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