
Tuesday, July 09, 2024

July 9, 1986: The First of Three Direct Hachamovitch Victims

Black and white headshot of a middle aged man of Jewish descent with dark hair, a receeding hairline, large, dark 1980s style eyeglasses, and wearing a suit coat and tieLuz Maria Rodriguez was 40 years old when she went to Moshe Hachamovitch's abortion clinic in the Bronx for a first-trimester abortion on July 5, 1986. She was between 8 and 10 weeks pregnant.

Luz bled heavily after the abortion. Just before she was to be discharged, she turned blue and stopped breathing. 

Staff performed CPR and summoned an ambulance, which took Luz to a hospital. Efforts to resuscitate her were successful, but she remained comatose. Four days later, July 9, she died. 

The autopsy found that she had suffered from an incomplete abortion.

Hachamovitch went on to have other dead patients to his discredit:

  • Christina Goesswein, who died of an amniotic fluid embolism on October 19, 1990 after an abortion performed by Hachamovitch.
  • Tanya Williamson, who died September 7, 1996 after Hachamovitch overdosed her on anesthesia then let her slip away unsupervised in the recovery room.

He spread the carnage by owning, and evidently very poorly supervising, other abortion facilities, leading to more deaths:

  •  Lisa Bardsley, who bled to death on February 17, 1985 after Dr. John Biskind discharged her from a Hachamovitch-owned clinic in Arizona.  
  • Jammie Garcia, whose long struggle to survive injuries suffered at a clinic Hachamovitch owned in Texas ended on March 2, 1994.
  • Lou Ann Herron, who bled to death on April 17, 1998 when Biskind ignored her pleas for help at that same Arizona clinic.

Source: "Abortion clinic owner no stranger to lawsuits," Lubbock Online, January 18, 1999

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