
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Kristan Hawkins: Late Abortion Lies From Kamala Harris

Kristan Hawkins explored the five lies about abortion Kamala Harris uttered during the debate.

Kristan covers Lie Number One: Abortion isn't legal anywhere through all nine months. 

First she points out that there are no gestational limits in the following states:

  1. Alaska
  2. Colorado
  3. Michigan
  4. Minnesota
  5. New Jersey
  6. New Mexico
  7. Oregon
  8. Vermont
  9. Washington, DC
She forgot to mention Maryland, which also has no gestational limit. 

Kristan mentioned calling and scheduling late abortions:

To be fair, when I tried to schedule a 37-week elective abortion everybody turned me away. So evidently 34 weeks is the latest people are willing to go for an elective abortion.

Kristan is misremembering the story in Suzanne Poppema's book, Why I Am An Abortion Doctor. A woman did come in with the baby crowning. The story is on page 140. The woman didn't realize she was pregnant and begged for an abortion, but staff called an ambulance and sent her to the hospital. Poppema notes that the woman, who gave birth in the ambulance, "chose to keep the baby and was welcomed with a great outpouring of family support. So it was a happy ending. But we would have considered it a happy ending if this same woman had come to see us stressing her need to end a pregnancy that could be terminated." I'd like to point out that the pregnancy terminated all on its own in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Everything I've looked at indicates that Washington state didn't change anything in its abortion laws after Dobbs, which would mean that the current "fetal viability" rule was in effect back in 1996, when Poppema published her book. The tone of her book makes it seem like the felt sad that she wasn't able to legally abort that baby.

How many post-viability abortions are there? Like I've said before, the people who gather the statistics like to just to lump all abortions past 20 weeks in together so they don't have to distinguish between babies less than 24 weeks, who are much less likely to survive, and babies past 24 weeks, that have a strong chance of survival. The average percent of abortions past 20 weeks is roughly 1%. With over a million abortions per year, that's around 10,000 abortions done near or past the point of viability. 

You can also go to my playlist on late abortions for real-life examples of abortions in the second half of the pregnancy, most of which ended with both mother and child dead. Here's a sampling:

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