Were this to happen -- highly unlikely, since there are enough abortion fanatics in positions of power and influence to prevent it -- watch the vultures circle, the way they did when the Hyde Amendment went into effect. They'll be looking for another Rosie Jiminez. Never mind the women who die from legal abortions. Real women don't matter to these folks, only their ideas and the hypothetical women who might die should abortion be recriminalized.

Hypothetical woman? They are defending woman's right to choose what to do with her body. They are not forcing abortion, but allowing that option to remain open for those who choose to go that route.
Angie said…
Hypothetical woman? They are defending woman's right to choose what to do with her body.
Yes, hypothetical women whose "right to choose" they defend in preference to the lives of real women dying in clinics right now. Roughly 4,000 women walk into US abortion clinics every day, and their safety is knowingly compromised with the tacit consent of agitators for "women's rights" on the grounds that providing THESE women with safety will compromise the "choices" of hypothetical women in the future.
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