I attended this year's March for Life in honor of Marla Ann Cardamone, whose unwanted abortion killed her.
Getting there was challenge #1. I brought my car in for a routine state inspection and my mechanic found that it needed a lot of work. A lot of work. I called Jan at Bedford County Citizens Concerned for Human Life, and she alerted me to a bunch of Catholics who were riding a bus down from the Johnstown/Altoona area. Yay! For $10 I got a ride with some great people (who picked me up at a McDonald's near the Turnpike entrance), who fed me goodies.

I guess it's apt since I went down with Catholics, marching for Marla, because Marla was Catholic. Her parents remain very devout, active Catholics. So -- if I was going to be marching for Marla, I was also riding for Marla on the way down.

We went to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and bedded down in the chapels. There were more people bedded down at the Shrine than the MSM gave credit for attending the entire March, I'd bet.

We ate a spaghetti dinner at Catholic University of America after evening Mass, and bedded down at around midnight. Then they rousted us up off the floors at 5 AM to clear us out for morning Masses in the chapels. Which may explain in part why I look so bad. I slept on a marble floor after a long trip and didn't get much sleep.
Part Two to come later today.
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