Women from all up and down the East Coast reportedly went to Gosnell because he was so much more affordable. So let's look at Dr. Emily in New York:
Traditional Abortion / Aspiration ( All fees include anesthesia) |
Less than 12 weeks | $360 |
12 - 13 weeks | $450 |
14 weeks | $500 |
15 weeks | $600 |
16 weeks | $700 |
17 weeks | $800 |
18 weeks | $900 |
19 weeks | $1000 |
20 weeks | $1200 |
21 weeks | $1300 |
22 weeks | $1500 |
23-24 weeks | $1700 |
Abortion Pill Service | $450 |
Dr. Emily includes all fees, including an anesthetic that would also block any memory of the procedure.. Gosnell charged extra for the initial exam and for anesthesia. (You can see his price list here.)
Gosnell had 2-tier pricing: Insurance billing price and Discount Price (Medicaid & Cash).
Gosnell's chemical abortion price was the same as Dr. Emily's -- $450.
Surgical abortions:
Up to 12 weeks:
Gosnell: $330, plus between $50 and $150 for more anesthesia, for a price of up to $480.
Emily: $360 inclusive.
13-14 weeks:
Gosnell: $440 - $590 depending on anesthesia
Emily: $450 - $500 inclusive
15-16 weeks:
Gosnell: $540 - $700 depending on anesthesia
Emily: $600 - $700 inclusive
17-18 weeks:
Gosnell: $750-$900 depending on anesthesia
Emily: $800 - $900 inclusive
19-20 weeks:
Gosnell: $955 - $1005, depending on anesthesia
Emily: $1000- $1200 inclusive
21-22 weeks:
Gosnell: $1180 - $1525 depending on anesthesia and whether or not you'd had a baby before
Emily: $1300 - $1500 inclusive
23-24 weeks:
Gosnell: $1625 - $1775 depending on anesthesia
Emily: $1700 inclusive
Gosnell also charged a "merchandising fee" if you used a credit card rather than cash.
As you can see, Gosnell wasn't significantly cheaper, and in many circumstances was more expensive. Certainly he wasn't worth a trip from New York just for his cheap abortions.
Nova Women's Health Care, Fairfax, VA: $345 - $495 depending on anesthesia. They didn't say how far into pregnancy they do these abortions; I've emailed them to find out.
Falls Church Health Care: $350 - $415 depending on anesthesia up to 13.6 weeks
Amethyst Health Center (Manassas, VA): $300 - $490 depending on anesthesia, first trimester
Prices are comparable for first trimester abortions at A Capital Women's Health.
And as for women traveling from all over the Eastern Seaboard because Gosnell was so much cheaper, Preterm in Ohio has prices comparable to Gosnell's and does abortions up to 22 weeks.
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