Monday, September 30, 2024

Trump's messaging on abortion needs a lot of work

 Trump and Vance just keep repeating that they returned abortion to the states, which is a losing message, alienating both prolife and prochoice citizens. A different approach would win over most prolifers and some prochoicers and would only leave the truly pro-abortion alienated.

Points to make: 

1. All states that put abortion restrictions in place made generous allowances for doctors to include abortion in their treatment of pregnant women with complications. The abortion lobby responded that doctors were not going to avail themselves of those allowances but would instead deny care to women and allow them to die. This is shameful. There were two women in Georgia who died from taking abortion pills provided to them legally and presumably safely. They believed the promises of safety. But they suffered predictable complications, complications that happen in about 5% of these abortion pill cases. They didn't get the aftercare they needed even though there was nothing in the law to stand between them and that care. Only the people involved know if the lack of care was politically motivated. After all, a woman in Nevada, where abortion remained legal until 24 weeks, also died around the same time after getting inadequate care after taking abortion pills, and there was no political reason to let her die. But since the abortion lobby is claiming that the reason they're denying women care is because of the law, I'll take their word for it and say that those women were allowed to die for political reasons in order to pursue a pro-abortion agenda. Every citizen, no matter what their stand on abortion, finds that to be deplorable.

2. Kamala and her supporters claim that abortion restrictions will lead to women bleeding out in the parking lot, even though there isn't a single abortion law that forbids providing transfusions or any other care to a woman suffering pregnancy complications. And if she cares so much about women being sent home to bleed to death, why isn't she talking about April Lowery? She was so weak when she left an Alabama abortion clinic that she could barely walk to her car. She had to be helped. She bled to death on the way home from a treatable injury. Thanks to the Dobbs decision, Alabama voters were able to say that April deserved real medical care, not a botched abortion and a fatal hemorrhage. That abortion clinic is now a real medical clinic providing care to underserved women. Kamala wants that clinic to go back to selling unsafe abortions with improperly sterilized, rusty instruments. The abortion lobby that supports her is the same abortion lobby that started a legal defense fund for Bruce Steir -- rhymes with Fear -- who pulled out a woman's bowel during an abortion then sent her home to bleed to death. They talk about caring about women bleeding out, but they don't do anything when it's an abortion clinic sending them home to bleed to death. That's shameful -- and that's something all Americans can agree on, no matter where they stand on abortion.

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