
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Searches: 18 weeks, 20 weeks, quacks, teens, and anesthesia deaths

  • There were searches for "20 week pregnancy" and "20 week fetus". Here's where abortion fits into the picture.

  • "Home abortion". My, doesn't that sound... cozy. Like "home birth" or "homeschooling" or "home sweet home". Not!

  • "Teen abortion stories": My collection of stories. And these from TeenBreaks.

  • "Ulrich George Klopfer" Ding! Ding! Ding! You've picked a WINNER!

  • "18 week fetus"

  • "anesthesia deaths"

  • "Robert F. Meger" Charming man.

    1. Home abortions: like RU486 and the women can go home and deal with their problems "by themselves".

      That was one of the pro-life arguments recently offer at a French hearing on RU486-- women go home to abort, and they are further isolated from the people needed to help with their *real* problems.

    2. They want to make it seem "natural" and "private".

      Yeah, most suicides are private, too. That doesn't make them a good thing. Abandoning people to lonely despair is a pretty crappy way to treat them, be it handing them a garbage bag and a copy of "Final Exit", or handing them a chemical coathanger.

    3. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Yeah, most suicides are private, too. That doesn't make them a good thing. Abandoning people to lonely despair is a pretty crappy way to treat them, be it handing them a garbage bag and a copy of "Final Exit", or handing them a chemical coathanger.

      I agree with this comparison, and to further add to this, in visiting sites on the "right to die" euthanasia, and voluntary extinction, I've learned there are two distinct sides on the right to die debate, appropriatly labeled "Pro-choice" and "pro-life" and the pro-choice side uses much of the same arguments as those in favor of legalized abortion.

    4. What's also interesting is that there appear to be the same two groups practicing both abortion and euthanasia/assisted suicide. The "True Believers" and the despairing people who get shafted because the True Believers can't make themselves believe that not everybody is enamored of choosing death as they, personally, happen to be.

    5. Anonymous12:40 AM

      Or can't make themselves see that not everyone is enamored in the idea that suicide/abortion is a positive solution for medical and socio-economic issues.
